Just some thoughts bouncing around in my head:
I have many work out DVD’s. Jillian Michaels, The Firm, The Wave, Zumba, the list goes on and on. Guess what? They don’t help you IF YOU DON’T USE THEM!!!
White flour is EVIL. Seriously. For some reason it is a trigger for me. Flour and …
Chocolate! It is SO good, but SO fattening! How do I know? My black pants that were TOO BIG were snug on my behind/thighs this morning. Scream! Who would have thought that an order of ice cream each day would do such damage?
I was on track then BOOM … I was knocked off the wagon and now I find myself scrambling to grab onto a spoke to pull myself back up.
I have read so many books. I KNOW what to do. I KNOW how to do it — yet I still struggle.
Zechariah 4:6
“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty.
Stuff like this was never a temptation to me. I would have avoided it at all cost. Yesterday I had a Pampered Chef party and this pizza was our lunch. Did I avoid it? NO.
Speaking of Pampered Chef. If you’d like to order something, I’ll be thrilled to send you my link so it will apply to my party. You can order and have it shipped to your house. Just let me know if you want the link. I think my party is open for a few more days.
So here is the deal. I must step away from white flour again. No more slivers of cake. No more Dairy Queen Blizzards. No more Hershey bars with my daughter. Did you know sugar makes us crave more sugar? Sugar makes ME crave more sugar.
Ok, I know you’ve heard me say this stuff before, but I am determined to break free and get back on track. You are going to see me shrink! I know, I know — really I do — in the grand scheme of life, my weight is not that important. I’m not trying to focus on myself, but this is just ONE area that must be sanctified in my life.
I haven’t mentioned my weight loss in a while, so I thought I’d let you know where I am. You will see me set free in this area and God will receive all of the glory.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
You are so right. I gave up sugar a couple of times and lost close to 10lbs, but fell off the wagon and never got back on. I know what I need to do, but it's finding the strength and motivation to do it. I must lose 60lbs. My health is starting to show some warning signs. Why is it so hard?
I've been good with eating more fruits, veggies and fish. The down side? Now, that it's a little hotter, I'm sipping coffee frappuccino again. I tried the Lite. Yuck! It seems to be a hard fought battle in this area. But nothing is impossible with the Lord! Prayers going up for us! Take care sister and God bless.
I can relate so much. I KNOW it all (well the gist of it all…I read A LOT). Have all the videos, tried all the programs. ALL OF IT. But the one thing I have lacked is ACTION. No wonder the Word says that "faith without works is dead." I know it, I believe it, but I don't DO it. Wow…REVELATION!
I should save this for a blog post of my own! LOL
Amen sister! So many struggle with it. I've started counting my points again *sigh*
dont worry you can and will do it!! Just keep in mind its not a race its a lifestyle change and youre gonna have ups and downs but having the willpower to pick yourself back up is awesome! Good luck!!
You can do it, I believe in you!
Absolutely! And you will do it! You are in the midst of doing it. Look how great YOU look! And the determination is part of the process. I always say Sugar is Evil. B/C I know it causes more cravings of it. All the best. God Bless!
I understand. I have hit a plateau myself at 12 pounds, and I really just want to eat everything in sight. Flour and sugar included. We must get back on track!!! You can do it!
Oh, I understand…totally! Shew…I struggle constantly.
You hang in there, girl. You are a strong person…I know you can do this!
Are you in my head because every time I come here your post is exactly what I need to read or what I am personally dealing with. Geesh! LOL!
I admire your tenacity at losing weight you are doing a FABULOUS job! However, I so understand about food tasting soooo good and needing to get a handle on the eating.
Will be praying for you to be completely set free in this area. You CAN do it!! You go girl!!!
Much love!
Beth, You have just written my story, been there done that. I know exactly what you are feeling. Thanks for sharing this. I will be praying about this for you and others, please pray for me as well.
I got on the scales this morning and it is slowly creeping back up to a number that I do not like!! I too had lost…well…a little weight but even still, I'm headed back to where it was when I started trying to lose weight and I don't like it at all!!
Hubby was told he was pre-diabetic about 3 months ago and has gone on a "health binge"….has lost over 20 lbs!! HOW?!?!?! Told him he was losing it and I was gaining it!! OF course, he has cut out the sweets…a weakness of mine!
Oh, Beth…you sound VERY determined…and with God's help, I know you will succeed at this!
I use Jillian Michael's Protein Powder in a shake each morning with a handful of strawberries or blueberries. It's high protein and fills me up. I also add in 2 T. of flaxseed and lots of ice. I get it at Walmart.
Thank you for stopping by my blog!!
Have a beautiful week~
Beth, please stop being so unkind to yourself. Stop viewing yourself as flawed or weak or whatever other negative term you are using.
Okay, so everyone agrees you can do it. You agree you can do it and yet…you aren't doing it. I would argue you aren't doing it because you don't really see that much benefit from doing it. As someone who has struggled with weight and body issues since about 12, I get it, but, I've completely changed my approach. First, about 12 years ago, I read a book called "Overcoming Overeating" and it was fabulous. It is probably out of print, but check your library. Basically, the it encourages you to be who want to be right now knowing that you can never, ever, ever change your body from this moment on. How freeing that is. Secondly, I started paying attention to people who lose weight and keep it off. The lifestyle they lead isn't one I'd want…there, I said it. I don't want to work out 2 hours a day seven days a week, ever have anything decadent again and count every bite I put into my mouth. That is not the life I'd design for myself. Instead, I had to design a compromise that fit my life, my expectation, and my body. I've had children, I'm almost 47. I am finally realistic.
Lastly, I just read an article that tapped into my vague dissatisfaction with all the hype about weight loss. The gist of the article? Thin doesn't equal happy. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/
36784702/ns/health-behavior/ )
Beth, you are an amazing woman. Don't let this define you. Yes, you might need to get yourself back to healthy habits, moderate your sweets and take longer walks, but stop punishing yourself for enjoying the party you hosted or ice cream.
Instead recognize the exchange wasn't worth it at the time (depriving yourself to make yourself and working towards being thinner wasn't more powerful than the reward of spending truly relaxed time with your family and friends).
Celebrate your body…it is there for you each and every day.
PS. Would you talk to your someday-teen-aged daughter the way you are talking to yourself these days? Would you pat her on the back if she were describing her body the way you are describing yours? Do you expect her to have a perfect body? Yeah, I didn't think so. So why do you hold yourself to such a standard.
P.S. Can you tell I feel passionately about this subject? Sorry for the rant. You can delete me if you'd like…my feelings won't be hurt.
Oh, Beth. It is such a struggle, isn't it? I also love ice cream… by the pint! It's awful and just recently I have gotten back on track with walking every morning and avoiding the pint. It often feels that we're taking one step forward and two steps back, doesn't it?
And it's crazy… I sleep SO much better when I exercise and eat right, which sets my whole day on the right track. Yet, it's still hard to do. Figures.
Hang in there. Praying for you…
You can do it girl, I just know it!! I'm here to cheer you on. Love ya!!
I just bought another book that a few friends recommended (they have it themselves). I'm sure you heard of it. It's called, "Fit For My King." My friends who have read this said they have victory over their food addiction, and so much more! I have it right here and plan on reading it tonight!
I totally understand sweetie, praying for you.
Haven't been to a Pampered Chef party in a long time. Would love to check out an online catalog and apply my purchase to your party, if I still can.
[email protected]
Hi Beth,
Have you tried the colon detox? I heard that it is supposed to get rid of years of waste in your body and it will also help flatten the tummy. I am gonig to try it and let you know.
Sis, praying with and for you. It's a journey, I know it myself very well. While our situations are different including our reasons, the fact remains, it's a lifestyle journey.
I would have to agree with one of your readers on not beating yourself up.
and do it at the feet of JESUS. It's a daily uphill, prayerful decision we make — to lay 'it' all down that we can pick up all that is of GOD along the journey.
I'm praying…I love you. JESUS loves you all the more!!!!
Very catchy title Beth….aroused my interest. I am so lacking the motivation for that right now and I need help. I feel i have so many irons in the fire I just don't have the energy to "stoak that coal". I am so busy trying to work and get out of debt, hopefully all that energy will burn some fat cells and then there is always the idea on saving money not buying the fattening foods.
You are invited to visit my new blog, you can get there by my main blog from yesterday's post, I will be having contests over there. it may interest you.
I know what you mean, but what to eat without white flour and sugar 🙂
We can be healthy and have fun, I think maybe we should just indulge once or twice a week?
BTW: I saw someone mention colon cleanse and John said that they don't really work, there isn't years worth of goo in your GI system and they *can* be dangerous and since he is a GI doc I will believe him on that 🙂
Besides when you are old enough to get a colonoscopy and have to drink Golytely you will have perfectly clean colon.