I took this picture in honor of my friends: Angela at Free Spirit Haven and Tara and Our Princess in Pigtails!
Ok, the lady behind me was sweet to take this shot of me and baby girl. But the funny thing is — while hubby was off getting us some cotton candy and a snow cone, the people who WERE SUPPOSED to be in my seat showed up. Our seats were in row W. I was actually sitting in row VV — that would be V V. Argh. Now how confusing is that?!?!? When hubby came back, we were actually much closer to the floor. LOL Poor thing found us when everyone who WAS sitting near us told him where we went. There are some nice strangers left in the world. :o)
I would say my healthy way of eating didn’t exist at the circus. I had a foot long hot dog, a snow cone, and this pop corn. I told the lady NOT to add additional butter. I can’t imagine the grease if that had been added. Ick.
Ok, now for the non-scale victories. As I was getting dressed, I noticed all of my size 12’s just looked baggy in my legs and backside. I thought, “Hmmmm. Maybe I should try on those 10’s.” Well, guess what? I wore the size 10 jeans to the circus. Now I will confess that those 10’s created a nice little tummy roll over the top, but since I had on a jacket, it was no problem. lol
Another non-scale victory: The seats. They were more than roomy and that is a big deal for someone who was once obese. Any of my larger friends on here can relate.
Want to guess how much we spent at the circus? I wish my husband was here to give me the costs, but I know it was around $83 for the 3 tickets. Then $10 to park. Then by the time we got 2 hot dogs, 1 soda, 1 water, 1 cinnamon roll, 1 snow cone, 1 $16 toy, 1 pop corn, 1 nacho, and 1 bag of cotton candy … we SPENT $173!!!! Isn’t that RIDICULOUS!?!?!? Ha, the Greatest Show on Earth wasn’t THAT great, but at least our little one can say she went to the circus.
Wow…. I finally was able to get back on your blog!!! I'm so excited to be able to read your blog again: ) You go girl a size 10 Makes u feel so Great!
What a fun time!!! Expensive indeed but you can't put a price on wonderful family memories. Love ya!!
How could I fail to mention congrats on your non-scale victories. Woo hoo!! You rock!!! I am so proud of you.
You go girl in your skinny jeans!! Glad the elephant wasn't named Tara or something. lol
Thanks for the honor and thanks for thinking of me 🙂
Go Canucks. Go Americans. I'm half and half. lol
Yay you for getting in to size 10's!
and yes those prices are ridiculous! We went to Disney on Ice and all I can say is God bless Grandma for paying.
Glad you had a nice time.
My goodness girl…that is wild about the prices isn't it? What a fun time though for the three of you. I'm quite sure princess just loved it.
I loved the 'roll' part with the jeans..thank God He made jackets,,LOL…I got sweats on and, well I see the roll as clear as day right now.
I just posted measurements at my Sacrificial Diet blog..a first in the 4 four years of this journey,lol. Never bothered doing it when I started, just now when I'm almost at the finished line..
Thank you SO much for that picture also. I can't tell you how much I cried last night with joy and pride for being a Canadian.
Most of us Canadians are 'quiet' with our patriotism. One thing I have ALWAYS loved so much about Americans…their boldness and love for their country.
Well let me tell ya, last night, ALL OVER Canada..we were doing the American thing..LOVING our country with so much passion.
In 48 hours, Canada received 6 golds! 14 in total!!!! The most from what I heard since 1920's. Randan stated that the news said ever…so I'm not sure, all I know is I'M BLOWN AWAY….
People have been 'dancing in the streets'. Randan was,,LOL…he said him and his friends were in the middle of the street with the Canadian flag and the police drove by and beeped and gave them the thumbs up,,LOL..Thank You Jesus,,lol.
Ok,,I think I'm done this devotional..LOL..love you so much Beth..((Hugs)) Hey did you notice the coffee cup i was drinking from?
Congrats on your Non Scale Victories! By the pics I would have to say it was a Victory all the way around your house this weekend!!! Circus' are always soo expensive but like you said – now she can say she went and all are happy 🙂
First of all…Congratulations on dropping a clothes size! That is awesome and I know how good that feels. I think, it feels better than seeing the numbers drop on the scales. 🙂
As for the circus, the last time we took our boys…it wasn't what it was when I was a kid by no means and it is way more expensive now than when we went. Yikes!
Oh, well…glad you guys had a good time and created memories…that is priceless.
Have a great week!
crazy! lol but i'm glad you had a fun time!!
Congrats on your victories sweet sis.
I bet she had a blast! Yep, their expensive, and they know they can get away with it!
We were at the 5:30pm show too! Andrew sat still and entertained for 45 mins. and then it was downhill from there. We started leaving when they blew the two women out of the canons – right at intermission. We didn't buy one thing there but instead went to On The Border afterwards.
Congratulations on the size 10! You are doing amazingly!
Looks like a circus and yay for yoU!
woo hoo!! size 10!!
yeah I know too well about that mean ole roll :S glad you had a great time at the circus…good thing it only comes round once a year with that pricetag. xoxoxo
Isn't it a shame that some of America's favorite pasttimes have become so expensive that families can't even enjoy them anymore? BOO! I am so proud of you for fitting into size 10's! You are AMAZING!!
Congratulations on wearing those size 10 jeans! Woohoo!
Shew, the circus IS expensive. I know your Princess had a blast, though, and that's priceless.
You know what, yesterday I watched the old movie, The Greatest Show on Earth. Jim and I were talking about how much more we enjoyed the circus as kids as we did as adults. So yes, at least your child will have sweet memories.
A $173 for 3!!!! Whew…so glad my kiddos are all grown – can't imagine what I would have to spend for a family of 5 nowadays 🙂
Great news on dropping a size!! So proud of you…keep it going!
Hugs to you my friend,
Hi! I'm a new follower. I also live in NC. We went to a Monster Jam a couple weeks ago, and spent a lot there too. Prices are just CRAZY for this stuff. Anyways, I'm really enjoying your blog, thought I'd let ya know :o)
size 10? That's awesome! I'm happy for you, my friend:)
Size 10? Girl keep it up you are rocking the scales. Yea for you!
I know…the prices of things now a days is outrageous. I hate paying it…but it is fun for the family too.
This brings back many wonderful memories. What a wonderful day!