Good morning my sweet friends! As I was responding to someone yesterday about my “Am I Hiding” post, it came to me that I was shedding my old wineskin! As soon as I said it — I knew I had a new post to write!

As much as I hate to compare such a wonderful process with a snake (ick), my mind immediately thought of how a snake sheds a layer of skin. From what I remember, the snake begins to outgrow the skin and it becomes tight around the snake. It starts to rub its “nose” on a tree to crack it open. Then the snake catches the skin on a twig or branch to help pull it off.

What an “ah-ha” moment! We can’t continue to grow with our old wineskins! They get tight and they squeeze us. And isn’t it through the rough spots (trials) that we rub off the prickly edges in our lives? Just as the snake rubs against rough objects to remove the skin — the trials in our lives prepare us for our new wineskin!

Matthew 9:17
Neither is new wine put in old wineskins; for if it is, the skins burst and are torn in pieces, and the wine is spilled and the skins are ruined. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved. (Amplified Version)

So the next time you are being rubbed, pressed, scratched on all sides — count it all joy! You are being prepared for something new. And unlike me, realize that THE NEW THING isn’t going to feel FAMILIAR! Learn from my lesson.