Good morning my sweet friends! As I was responding to someone yesterday about my “Am I Hiding” post, it came to me that I was shedding my old wineskin! As soon as I said it — I knew I had a new post to write!
As much as I hate to compare such a wonderful process with a snake (ick), my mind immediately thought of how a snake sheds a layer of skin. From what I remember, the snake begins to outgrow the skin and it becomes tight around the snake. It starts to rub its “nose” on a tree to crack it open. Then the snake catches the skin on a twig or branch to help pull it off.
What an “ah-ha” moment! We can’t continue to grow with our old wineskins! They get tight and they squeeze us. And isn’t it through the rough spots (trials) that we rub off the prickly edges in our lives? Just as the snake rubs against rough objects to remove the skin — the trials in our lives prepare us for our new wineskin!
Matthew 9:17
Neither is new wine put in old wineskins; for if it is, the skins burst and are torn in pieces, and the wine is spilled and the skins are ruined. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved. (Amplified Version)
So the next time you are being rubbed, pressed, scratched on all sides — count it all joy! You are being prepared for something new. And unlike me, realize that THE NEW THING isn’t going to feel FAMILIAR! Learn from my lesson.
The discomfort during the process can at times feel like something else can’t it? I am sure with each new adventure called “risk” of the uncomfortable along with tests of all sorts and kind…if we continue to persevere and do what we know in our hearts to be right, we might wake up one morning and find ourselves in some new skin, eh? or at the very least a new perspective. God is good!
What an awesome lesson! I love when the Lord reveals object lessons to us. I think they are the best kind.
Thanks so much for sharing!!!
I am praying for PEACE as you walk this journey.
Stay under the spout where the blessing pour out….
This is beautiful, Beth. Akin to the proverbial diamond.
I had never know this about snakes, the rubbing. Yes, I knew about them shedding their skin, but not how they do it.
I once had a humorous incident showing my ignorance with crabs. When the kids were young we had a freshwater tropical fish aquarium (still love these aquaria!!).
Anyway, my son, Titus, decided that we needed a little crab in the tank. So we got one.
Then one day, I saw the poor little crab lifeless near the water filter. We were all so sad that our little funny crab had died. So I set about to scoop our little dead crab out of the tank. As I moved the rocks and aquarium decoration aside to get to its little dead body, out crawled a perfectly alive little crab. I then realised that it had shed its shell.
Not only a new wine skin but all things are made new in Him!
Amen, sweet sister! Just like kids get “growing” pains we can too! Hey, how did you get that “show all” feature on your blog list on the front page?
What a great (though ick) analogy! It is definitely something to remember during the rough/uncertain times of our lives. Loved the verse to go along with it!
Excellent analogy (ok i am probably on of the few who do not think snakes are icky). I love the way you put this Beth because yes it is unfamiliar, maybe seriously uncomfortable but in the end a brand new us.
Amen, Beth…I couldn’t have said it better myself. What a wonderful perspective you have! I’m not a fan of snakes, either! LOL!
Beth, that was totally AWESOME!! and how true with each trial, and test and stretching comes growth. Its all in how we look at things. -blessings, Laurie
Beautifully written, Beth!
You don’t know how much I needed to read this today. It has been a rough week with a teenager and all the drama that it can bring.
Hopefully, things are starting to look better tonight. I pray!
Such a wonderful lesson for us to learn.
This is a great analogy. I too say ick to the sn_ k_s. See I can’t even bring myself to spell it. I fear the day I die of a heart attack by seeking one of those huge 40 feet like on the news.
Trials do make us lose our old skin. Trials are hard. When they squeeze our skin, it’s not fun. But, oh, how wonderful to feel that old skin fall off. Yay.
Thank you so much for always being so sweet. And especially for praying for me!! Your the BEST!!
Beautifully written, Beth. Sort of like finding the joy in suffering, but yours seems just a bit more manageable. It’s been one of those “rubbed, pressed, and scratched” weeks, so I really needed this!
Hi Beth! Thanks for coming by. I hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend & Valentine's Day! :O)
I was meant to find you. I’m kinda in this situation right now. Being rubbed and pulled in all places. Though it is hateful, you are right, there’s a whole new reason to all these trials that comes our way. Thank you for sharing this meaningful post. Happy Valentines day!
What a beautiful, meaningful post! I am so amazed whenever I read a passage and realize that God has given us full instructions about what He wants us to do, in a way that we may fully understand it. Thank you for sharing that aha! moment. Isn’t it wonderful when we have those moments? You do well to preserve them here!
Kindest thoughts and wishes to you and your loved ones.
That’s so true, Beth!! I agree with what you said about the
Thank you for sharing that!!