Guess what I did today?

I decided to go to a bike shop and look “into” buying a bicycle!

Yes, it is true!

I haven’t ridden a bike since childhood, but I see that I am going to have to lead my daughter by example. She would much rather sit and watch movies in the air conditioning (since it has been so hot here). I needed to motivate her to be outside more.

How do you like my helmet? Ha. I feel silly wearing one, but if I expect Princess to wear a helmet, then I should too.

Ok, here is my trusty “steed” … my early birthday present. My black beauty. Gears, shocks, … not like my kid bike. Now, to figure out the gears!

Does it say “Mama” bike or what? Snicker.

Anyway, here I am, about to take her for a spin. Princess took some action shots. ha. Lovely angle …

There I go …

Surely the additional exercise will be good for me …

I motivated Princess to ride and she had a great time.

Thanks for visiting! Enjoy your weekend!