This morning as a part of the 40 Days for Life spring campaign, I stood outside of an abortion clinic and prayed. I was accompanied by two sweet women who bought into the lie of abortion being a right solution many years ago. Today, they each stood by the driveway, hoping to stop someone from making the same mistake. I was honored to be with these two wonderful, brave women: Deanna at Reviving Mothers and Pam at Pam’s Journey of Grace.
Fortunately, business was slow this morning. My friend said that she had heard the abortionists prefer scheduling abortions on Thursdays and Fridays so that the women can rest over the weekend.
I have to tell you, it was a creepy feeling. Perhaps I am totally naive about these things, but the buildings are so non-descriptive. What did I expect — a neon sign flashing “abortions take place here?” Sigh … At the end of both of the driveways, there was a stench in the air. I wondered if we were smelling something in the spirit or worse.
This is something I need to do on a regular basis. My friend said that there are groups who are more “in your face” with pictures of guts and gore that greet the women who come on the weekends. Maybe the shock value will scare them away, but I pray people would follow God’s leading in reaching these women.
I really should do more research. One of my friends today shared how there was a lady whose job was to do inventory on the pieces of the babies after the abortions. She hated her job — can you imagine? This pro-life group found her a new job (hallelujah!). Did you know that they sell these baby parts to researchers? It is so disgusting that I can hardly think about it. The abortionist get money from these women, then they make money off of the poor chopped up babies as well.
Please pray that these women are reached, shown love, and shown an alternative to abortion. There are many couples who would love to adopt these precious little ones.
My friend Pam at Pam’s Journey of Grace wrote about our trip today as well. Please read her post. Click here. Deanna posted about today too. Click here.Someone had placed several of these crosses (made out of orange peels) in front of the abortion clinic. Deanna took these pics and shared with me.
Hi Beth, you know I was praying for you both. I’ve already been in touch with Pam so she had shared everything on her blog also. As one who went through what Pam and Deanna have as you know, it’s a very important subject to me and very close to my heart. I’m looking forward to going out there on March 14th with my husband to pray. Until then I continue to pray from home.
You never know what GOD used you three to do today as you stood and prayed and showed the signs. I KNOW someone was touched and a heart changed.
I was told that someone drove past someone holding a sign in Florida and decided not to have an abortion. You see just from the car a person can see…
As for the stench, I’m sure it’s a spiritual situation. How can it not be with all the INNOCENT blood that is being shed.
I love your heart. I love you.
I have chills and my heart was racing for some reason just from reading your story. Thanks for sharing.
Some girls from our former church in Fuquay opened a clinic that encourages life. They said that if you can get them to have that ultrasound, it will discourage them from proceeding. If you helped even one person, then you were successful. :O)
This is a great work that you are participating, Beth. A good awareness to everbody. God bless you. 🙂
I love the blackmail picture of you. The hat rocked. Wasn’t it funny when I took my hat off and had square hair???? HA! It was an incredible day. i pray the woman who went in will not come back. I pray we can also go again soon and save babies and bring mothers to actually see their children through ultrasounds so they can choose to keep the babies…
Bless you for your valient efforts for the precious unborn. I love you.
Thank you my dear sweet friend for doing this. Thank you for putting feet to your faith today. Thank you for being an inspiration to the rest of us. May God bless your act of faith today in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.
Take care my friend!
Love ya girl!
Several years ago I was a counselor at a pro-life pregnancy clinic. I saw more and heard more than most people can imagine. I remember well the first baby I "lost". I won't share the details, but as I called to check on the young girl, she just informed me that she terminated the pregnancy. Thankfully it was only a few minutes until closing the clinic because I lost it.
Keep up what you're doing my friend. You ARE making a difference.
Love & prayers,
Exciting work done for Jesus, may the prayers linger that building until the abortions stop.
I do agree that holding up a more peaceful sign instead of the gruesome signs that I’ve seen reaches deeper into the heart of a woman who is considering abortion.
After all, Jesus is peace ~ and I really do believe a more peaceful sign is more inviting and is quicker to offer the love the Lord has for the child that He allowed to be woven and spun in that momma’a womb :O)
Love ya!!
Wow Beth…this is an awesome ministry. I pray that you will reach and change the hearts of those you come in contact with. That they will choose life for their dear sweet child.
Blessings upon you, sweet friend, for taking a stand and walking in boldness. I am soooo proud of you!
Love you
Thanks Beth…it is putting feet to our faith…may we all continue in this ministry…I love you. Pam
What a truly amazing experience for you!! I believe we all need to do this, and I pray for these inncocent babies who are being aborted because the moms do know want them. Each of these babies are a special gift from God and I just can’t see how anyone can say that it’s not a baby. It truly breaks my heart!!
Wow! Truly amazing! Having my first child without being married or any plans-abortion was never an option for me. I have seen other acquaintences who have gone through with this and it leaves them just completely devastated. It’s just something with such lasting effects on so many people involved. I’ll be lifting you up in prayer! Thank you for sharing-it will be interesting to see what the Lord works in your life through this experience:)
I posted a great give-away-my first official one with a real product-lol! Please stop by and check it out:)
Blessings to you! Amanda
Thank you so much for your work for and devotion to the unborn. Just reading your email gave me chills and the thoughts of what happens behind those walls makes me sick. Hopefully your faces & message were etched in that young lady's mind and she'll be so convicted to make a different decision.
I’m so glad that there are people like you out there speaking out for this cause. It’s so sad… when the little ones cannot speak up for themselves. Too many people are only caring about their own lives, and thinking about how a child would only be inconvenient. Life is not inconvenient, but a miracle.
I too believe God used you that day…you may never know how, but keep the faith and keep standing up for what is right.
Wow–this account brought me to tears. I think it would be so very hard to watch a woman go inside knowing what would happen! I would want to pull her and convince her as hard as I could. Thank you for sharing a personal look at what can be done.
Hi Beth. I came here from Debbie’s Heart Choices. She paid a wonderful tribute to you and I was not disappointed. You have a wonderful blog. I’m always amazed at how many new friends out there in blogland are just waiting to be discovered. I’m glad I discovered you.
I am so glad that you were able to go and do this…what a ministry! If you cause one person to stop and think about what they were doing, then it was worth it. If someone driving by saw you guys today…maybe they know someone who is considering doing this or will in the future…the seed was planted today! You will never know this side of heaven who you impacted today while taking your stand.
I applaud you and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about abortion and the unborn child. Women are so deceived by the enemy and this world to think that it is not a baby, not human…but, the Bible says otherwise.
I pray that you had an impact on someone today, my friend! You are amazing!
BTW: Loved the hat!
Blessings on you, Beth! As you shared about the young lady that was dropped off, I had so hoped that you were going to say, she got back in the car and left….
hi Beth, I would like to say that you are a brave woman. In 1990, I had an abortion, because of it I came to Jesus. I had so much guilt, remorse and was so tormented because of it. I could not understand how could a God die for me and forgive me of such great sin. It was a joyous day when I was saved by grace through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for me on the cross. I remember after praying and confessing Him, the burden left, the heaviness was gone and there was peace and joy. Most of the women that have abortions have no idea what they are doing. They see no other way out. They have believed the lie that it’s only tissue, it’s a blob. It’s not a baby. My husband is an ultrasound tech and I have had the privilege of getting many ultrasounds of my children when they were in the womb. At 12 weeks old my oldest daughter, then in my belly, was perfectly formed and sucking her thumb. I have “pictures” of her during those 9 months in my belly. It is a miracle what goes on in there!! 🙂 God is amazing. Amazing that He loves us and cares for us. I have had the desire to share these ultrasounds for a while now, but never “made time”. I will now. Your post has shown me the need to, once again. Thanks again for sharing your journey. Your sister in Christ, Tereza