Well, I’m sure there are times when all Mom’s are shocked at the behavior of their little angels. You know, there are always those Mom’s that you judge while thinking, “Do something with your kid lady!” Well … today, Princess and Makayla were the two who were being rowdy. (Holding down my head.)
The two girls played well together and were having a great time when three other little (intruders) girls entered the play area. Suddenly, over the entire restaurant these shrieks were heard. Screams poured from the play area as I looked to see the three new visitors holding their little ears — frozen in their tracks. In slow motion I saw myself turning towards Princess and Makayla who had staked their claim on the stairs. I especially noticed my sweet little daughter — you know — the one who is so full of joy and love — kicking her feet at this girls. She was basically holding up her fist, standing her ground as she screamed, “NO, THIS IS OUR PLAY DATE!” I was so embarrassed (ha). I immediately ran in there and made Sarah apologize to the other girls.
Then the date ended with my daughter’s feelings getting hurt. Her friend likes to play the game “Monster” where someone is chosen to be the monster and rest of the gang runs from her and screams! Well, guess who was chosen to be the “Monster” … yep, Sarah. It hurt her feelings and brought the date to an end.
This experience was definitely note worthy. I wish I had a picture of my tiny little stair “master” holding her ground. Oh my.