Good morning Friends! This will be short, but I wanted to touch base. This past weekend was the busiest yet! If I could have gotten up from my post to take pictures of the crowd at our corn maze, I would have. I just had a neighbor tell me that our farm looked like the NC State Fair this weekend. I have to agree with her. We are grateful!
I thought I’d share a cool picture I took of the guys in our lift over the maze on Friday night. Double-click to enlarge the picture.
And of course, how can I write a post without showing Princess and her big smile.
It sounds like we had a little rain last night and I have two groups coming today. Ut ohs. I better start the bounce houses so they can dry. Another busy day … I’ll be back eventually.
Thank you for continuing to visit me.
Just passing by to say hi!
Love those picks.
Have a great day!
What a precious and contagious smile!
How cool is that!! We went apple picking this weekend….that was crowded. I can only imagine how crowded your farm was!!
I love that your life is so different from mine. It's such fun to visit you online Beth. Love you and miss you.
So much fun and busyness.
Praise the Lord for a life like yours, busy and most importantly, full of him!!
This is a good kinda business.
Cool pics! Thanks for updating us despite the busyness. God bless you sister. Take care.
Oh, how fun! There is a corn maze a few miles from us and we can hardly wait to try this year's maze.
OH how I would love to stop by your farm!!!!! Great photos (beautiful child….that smile!)
thanks for sharing!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord for being busy. Loved those pictures. Yes, Princess is so cute with her big smile.
Hi Beth and family God is good, blessing you all.Thank you for blogging it's been a blessing to me.Jesus is alive and living in you.Again thank you for showing the joy and the peace of God.Your lamp is bright.Amen.
Glad that your maze is going so well! That's a good busyness! Princess is just adorable!
Been a while since I've been blog hopping. Always nice to stop by yours!! I Love Fall!
How much fun does that look. My relatives have a corn maze in Hondo, Texas.
I am coming over from SITS. I love your site and am a new follower!
Mud Pies For Mommy
Enjoyed the pictures, princess is so beautiful. Glad the maze is doing so well.
That is a cool picture. And your princess IS adorable!
Glad to know business is good.
Hang in there my friend!
That is a good kind of busy! Praise God! Your daughter is adorable!
That is so awesome!!
And your little cutie is adorable! I love her big smile!!!