Well friends, I have probably pushed you guys over the edge with 3 Memes again in one day! I can’t help it if there are so many great Memes out there (ha).
I am joining with my good buddy MOMSTHEWORD to discuss how to make my home sing.
My sweet sister “N” at Momstheword discussed honoring the Daddy’s in the house. Let me tell ya — this really hits home with me. I have noticed that our little girl looks to Mommy to set the rules instead of Daddy.
We have all heard that dogs smell fear, right? Well, I think children can too. Daddy isn’t as comfortable being the tough guy … or in his role as the PARENT. Ha. He tries, but he often caves when she cries. Since she is alone with me during the day, “we” have our way of doing things. When Daddy comes home, he doesn’t realize that I allow her to do certain things and then he tells her to do something different. That is one area in particular where Daddy and I need to communicate so that we don’t seem like a divided force.
I am definitely checking my heart and my reactions to my husband because I want our little one to respect and honor her father.
Today I am going to make an extra special effort (somehow) to talk to her about honoring her Daddy. I want her to know how hard he works to provide food, clothing, and toys for her (and me).
Have a blessed day everyone! Please visit my friend, Momstheword, by clicking on her button at the top of this post and join in on the discussion.
Great insight, Beth. I know exactly what you mean. Gone are the days from my childhood, the ones where my mom would say, “Just wait until your father comes home!”
Beth, this is something I see in women today more than ever. The woman seems to be the one in charge. I realize we all have different personalities and not all dads are willing to be the disciplinarian.
But I love how you are making the choice to focus on teaching your daughter to respect and honor her dad. I think kids learn most from how the wife treats her husband. They watch everything and learn from it too.
Amen! I think we all have those issues from time to time. I know we do. I tell Roger that he acts more like the granddaddy instead of the daddy. I’m always the bad guy.
You guys will figure it out…together.
Very good post, Beth!!
My kids will sometimes ask for something from me first, but then I redirect them to their dad. Not with everything, of course, but just the important stuff…lol. This way, they know that they have to go through him as well, and it also shows that we are in one accord.
Wise Wise Mama……we too, are teaching our little girl to respect and honor her dad, and her older brothers. I also am teaching her how *I* should honor and respect her as well…and how it all is reciprocated the way God wants it to be.
Happy Monday!
My hubby loses it when either of our girls cry, too, so I can totally relate to that… Respecting & loving their Daddy is soooo tied to respecting and loving their Heavenly Daddy. It's a big job – but God equips where He calls, right? =) Some days I feel ill-equipped, but it's usually cuz I'm doing it on my own instead of falling into Him… I pray we can learn this together!
I love your post about teaching your daughter to honor her daddy. Someday she will need to honor her husband so you are laying the groundwork now.
She will also learn how to honor her Heavenly Daddy too!
What a blessing to raise precious children. They can sure wrap us around their little finger sometimes…even when they’re older, lol!
Thank you for joining us today!!! Memes are fun!
I’m giving you a woo-hoo! for the dad post.
I’ll admit that I cave a lot, too. My daughter knows just what to say and do to get herself out of trouble, and I’m pretty sure she’s teaching my son her tricks. And you’re right – communication is one of those important things that spouses don’t seem to do enough of.
Thanks, Beth!
Sweet. I like how you put (and me) referencing him providing toys. That was cute.
I think you guys are just the cutest little family. Ahem…
I was so touched by your response to Moms post that I commented under your comment on her blog. I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I see the exact same thing with my daughter but not my sons…I think my job is to teach my daughter not to caring and protection and love that her father, then her brothers, then her husband will provide her. Men and women are different, husbands and wives are different. Maybe our daughters are learning that the bulk of the parenting of young children does go to the mother because the husband and father has other responsibilities. If we model that we defer to our husbands when there is disagreement, isn’t that teaching them that we are answerable to someone other than ourselves? Anyway, I don’ have an answer…I’m still thinking it through. Great post.
Oh what a great post Beth. Yes it is hard sometimes for our men to be Daddy’s they have a hard time being tough or soft in some cases. We do need to lift them up. Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about all those wonderful meme suggestions on Mondays. It is hard to choose.
Have a Blessed Monda and a Blessed week.
A huge amen to this sweetie.
awesome post Beth!! your focus is one that is easy to overlook in the day to day raising of the kidlets.
What a great post for me to read today, I grew up without a father. The 7 years that I spent with my real father was traumatic and taught me to despise all men. Now that I am married, I am still struggling to learn how to honor my husband. Luckily, my son ADORES his father and it makes my heart melt. If anything, my son needs to work on honoring me because I’m the mean mom :o)
Oh Beth what an awesome post!
Great post Beth, I think in this society that fathers, due to the media have lost their place of honor in our homes.
May the lead and guide you as you teach your daughter.
What a wonderful post filled with such wisdom. I understand what you mean. Thanks so much form opening your heart. Have a blessed week
Thanks for reminding me that we need to be building up our husbands in front of our children. I’m going to remind my boys to respect and honor their dad…right now.!
Hiya Beth! I am blogging over in Arkansas! Nice to “meet” you! I totally get having a certain way we do things, then Daddy comes home! My little ones have figured out if they pester Daddy enough when he is tired, he will usually cave…hence the reason our almost 4 yr old has wound up on the couch the past few nights! (But NOT tonight!) One thing I have made an effort to do is each night at prayer time, we thank God for Daddy takes care of our family and ask Him to help Daddy as he works to take care of us. Thanks for a great post. God Bless!
Great post! And how true! We can always look up to our Parent. He is truly a great Source of wisdom when it comes to teaching our children.
I always remind my son about Ephesians 6:1. That way, he knows it’s not only me he needs to listen to but also his father as well. Thanks for always visiting and encouraging me. God bless sister Beth.
HI Sis,
(((Hugz)) Boy this post is so familiar lol. My dear husband also caves in and is just putty in my daughters hands. But she knows that all is not final till we come to an agreement. My weakness is that he never got to be home due to the military, so the two older ones were mostly with me. Now our youngest gets to experience Dad all day since he is retired so they have such a bond.
Hugz Lorie
We talked about this very thing in a bible study a few years ago. We were talking about the husband being the head of the home. One of the ladies mentioned when the kids ask you something, direct them to their father. Now your little one is quite small and you are her world right now, but maybe you can say something like “let’s go ask daddy”. It sure does take effort though. If both my husband and I are in a room they come to me. It can get very frustrating!
Great post, Beth! I admire you for making the effort to teach your little girl about respect and honor of her daddy….there is not enough of that in the home these days.
Blessings on you!
Great post! Being on the same page with your husband regarding the children certainly helps the family be harmonious. 😀 Thanks for the encouragement! 😀