Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Last night my family stopped at Chick-fil-a. My daughter and I frequent Chick-fil-a a lot, but last night when we were coming home from the mountains and wanted to grab a quick meal, we decided to show CFA our support.
Unless you have been hiding under a rock lately (smile) you are aware of the controversy swarming the airwaves. CFA president, Dan Cathy, stated that he “supported the marriage between a man and a woman.” His statement did not say he hated gay people.
Free speech is great for the world when it bashes Christianity or anything moral, but when someone makes a statement because of his beliefs (that has NOTHING to do with hatred) people begin to shred him with their words. I can’t help but think of the scripture I shared at the top of this post. Rosanne Barr (comedian) tweeted that people who went to Chick-fil-a DESERVED to die of cancer … Well, I rebuke that word curse in Jesus’ Name. Chicago’s and Boston’s leaders are wanting to ban Chick-fil-a restaurants from their cities. Well, do they ban businesses that might be offensive to others in their cities? If they can ban one, then they should ban all that are found offensive. Do you see the craziness in this? Do you see the venom people carry in their hearts? All because someone said he supported traditional marriage?
I just did some research to see what other religions believed about homosexuality, and I found that Christianity isn’t alone. Muslims believe homosexuality is considered a sin and in some cases punishable by death. Homosexuality is condemned by most Hindu cultures and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that people must abstain from all homosexual acts. Mormonism also believes it is a sin. There may be more but I didn’t look any further.
People who really walk in love don’t hate others.
The sin isn’t called good, but the people are loved. God sent Jesus to die for each one of us and all of us are a mess without His blood. But that does not mean that we call a sin “good” because the truth offends others. God’s Word will never be shaken and will never pass away.
I am proud of Dan Cathy for not shrinking back. Christians shouldn’t fear the wordly freenzy of political correctness.
I am linking with Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life to share a scripture with a little bit of explanation. Ummm, sorry — I don’t know that this post qualifies today, but I did share a scripture and an example of it being fulfilled.
You may visit Barbie by clicking on the button below.
Excellent post and I stand with you in rebuking the words of RB. You make an excellent point that Dan C. shared what he stood for and how it is being twisted into something it wasn’t. Our enemy is cunning. I wish there were Chick Fil a in the East- I would happily eat there in support of his stand. God bless those who stand for what God says. God bless our freedom to speak truth. God bless eternal wisdom.
Sharing, Beth! Nicely done.
We were just having this conversation with our boys on the way home from Church today. I was talking about how many Universities are teaching the students that to believe in Christianity and conservative values makes them ignorant and narrow minded. I truly believe we need to start training our kids NOW how to stand up under this severe attack of labeling and verbal persecution, so that they don’t go the way of so many others and lose their walk and witness with God. I know too many parents who’s kids went off to college and have strayed from their faith. But how can we as parents teach our kids how to endure this politically correct agenda, when too many of us are afraid to stand up ourselves? Thank God for Chick-fil-a, the Cathy family, and I pray blessings on their business! I for one, LOVE Chick-fil-a, even besides their beliefs, I love their food! I pray that God will pour out a double portion of blessings & profits on them for taking this stand.
My son is gay and he thought it was hilarious that Chick-Fil-A’s PR guy died of a heart attack. My son is one angry gay person and he hates Christians. So many of them are angry hateful people. Just read their words. I pray they will come to know Jesus and realize how much they are loved and adored by Him. I pray that anger they harbor in their hearts will be allieveated. Please pray that for the gay community.
Christians are picked on because Satan does not care about those other religions because they don’t rely on Jesus, the truth. Satan attacks Christianity because he is anti-Christ.