Random thoughts this morning, hang on … Did the title get ya? It is just as random as the subjects I am touching on today.
Last week was a week of feeling pulled in too many directions. I think I cried too much. It felt like I had a release valve. God brought me through.
Our daughter starts Kindergarten this Wednesday! AS in TWO DAYS! She gets to wear her uniform tomorrow for a classroom visit. The child is BESIDE herself with excitement! The other day she said, “I FINALLY GET TO DO HOMEWORK! I have been waiting MY WHOLE LIFE!” (LOL! I will SOOOOOO remind her of that comment in the future!)
I know my time with my parents is coming to an end, so I’m trying to capture stories on video. Especially my Daddy’s tales! So far I have made quite a few short video snippets of stories that I have enjoyed since I was a child. I will share one with you just so you can see my sweet Daddy. He is 89 and has fought a valiant fight against cancer for 14 years. Introducing a southern gentleman — enjoy! (If a teacher did this today she would be sued. Ha.)
So far I probably have about 8 stories caught on film with my iPhone.
By the way, have I told you lately how much I love my iPhone!?!?
It was my turn to feed my Daddy lunch (when video was made). My little family (husband, daughter, and I) always hold hands when we bless our food. That has spilled over to my parents now. When we eat with them, we hold hands. Yesterday, my sweet little Daddy grabbed my hand and we asked him to say the blessing. I almost burst into tears. He said the SAME prayer he has said my entire life: Kind Father, please accept our thanks for these and other blessings. We ask in Thy Name, Amen. I thought to myself, “What a gift to hear him say this one more time.”
Yesterday morning I read the story of David and his son Absalom in 2 Samuel. David’s son Absalom killed his brother Amnon for sleeping with his sister Tamar (from another mother). Then Absalom tried to kill David. Even after running from his son and leaving his country, David mourned when Absalom was killed. The entire story was interesting to me. At the threat of Absalom coming against his kingship, David quickly fled. That was odd to me. Anyway, it was interesting …
Having a problem with google friends connect feature. I discovered that my friends who “followed” me from blogspot before I switched to WordPress aren’t seeing my posts in their dashboards. Boooo! I sent google a message about it, but have yet to hear from them. Boooo! If by chance some of my older (not by age – ha) followers are viewing this — please “re-follow” me.
Oh yea … PLEASE SHARE with me some MEMES you enjoy!
I’ll leave you with a picture of these shoes! My friend’s husband had them on yesterday at church. I hope I didn’t offend him when I asked if I could take a picture of them. LOL
In this picture you just can’t appreciate how far the tip of these shoes extended past his feet! They were like skis! Do you see how the tips curl up? I guess that is so he can walk in them. I don’t know how he drove to church! Maybe he drove sock-footed? (Dear Brother in Christ, if you happen to stumble upon this blog, I am just envious of your sense of style!) :o)
Have a super blessed Monday everyone!
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