As many of you know, it is my heart to set the captives free. My life is an open book and I am thrilled to share with others the tools I have been given while I’m walking to complete freedom.
I am frequently asked questions about my weight loss. So many people struggle with food. I have often thought it must be easier for any other addict to overcome since they don’t need that substance to live, but with food — the drug of choice is always there.
Back in the spring of 2008 I went through a session in a ministry called Cleansing Stream (I highly recommend if you can ever attend). I received a lot of emotional healing! I believe emotional healing and physical healing go hand in hand. In June 2008, I decided it was time to finally do something about my weight. It was then that I cut out white flour, white pasta, white rice, soft drinks, preprocessed foods, etc … I dropped 50+ pounds from June to December, but then I was stuck for about a year. I kept off most of that weight, fluctuating 5 pounds or so.
Then I decided to start doing the Fast-5, created by Dr. Bert Herring, MD. Basically I was fasting some meals to cut my calorie intake. It has worked and started my weight release again.
Yesterday I received a package in the mail. It was a book I had ordered after talking to my friend Paula at Loving Life a Latte. What is this book you may ask? It is entitled: The Diet Alternative by Diane Hampton. I have already read half of it and it is full of some MEAT.
This sister in Christ, Diane, shared what God taught her and how she broke free from GLUTTONY. Dr. Herring, mentioned above, approached fasting from a clinical point of view — the benefits, etc … Diane explained how each time she fasted from something her flesh wanted, she actually SOWED SEED in the spirit. As Christians we know that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).
I am still reading, but so far Diane has provided a lot of meat to chew and process. The first nugget I underlined was when she pointed out that we are to feed our spirits first, THEN our bodies. Gluttony BEGINS when this system is out of order. Ouch! She gave the example of a lady who had a bad day. Someone at work hurt her, so she came home and opened the refrigerator. After finding something to eat, she called her friend and talked about the person who had offended her. Afterward, she was left with condemnation and shame. This is how the cycle begins and grows. We feed our body and try to deal with “soul” issues with FOOD. This lady should have immediately gone to the Lord and prayed about this situation — released the person who hurt her, cried out to Him about the pain it caused her, etc … Once she dealt with the spirit/soul issue, she would have been at rest and not tried to stuff her pain with food.
Diane stated: In gluttony, at some point, a person begins to eat when he is frustrated, worried, angry, sad, lonely, or bored. Rather than turning to God for comfort and help, he turns to food. That is why Paul said in Philippians 3:19 that a glutton’s “god is [his] belly.” (Page 34)
When we eat this way, the seed’s of gluttony are sown!
Because gluttony begins in the spirit (by us sowing to our flesh), then it will end by us sowing to the Spirit.
Diane pointed out that there is a type of eating that originates from “soul hunger” not body hunger. You CANNOT fill an empty soul with food. Often, we use physical food to try to fill a spiritual or emotional need. As Dr. Phil would say, “Now, how’s that workin’ for you?” Ha. It doesn’t work does it friends?
According to the author, gluttony is a difficult kind of stronghold where a lifetime pattern of overeating has set in and must be broken. Eating healthy food in place of potato chips and cookies DOES NOT BREAK THE PATTERN. I was glad she confirmed what I had felt in my heart. I have told several friends that though I was eating healthy (back when I lost weight from 2008), I was still eating too much healthy food.
Diane pointed out: Gluttony becomes a stronghold because, as Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34). It did not begin as a stronghold. It began as a small seed, and it started to grow when we first began to “sow to the flesh” by eating from frustration, loneliness, anger, self-condemnation, and habit. (Page 44.)
She compared gluttony to a strong, hardy, living plant inside of us. It is a stronghold, a fortified place surrounded by EXCUSES, SELF-DECEPTION, AND HABITS that can be formed over a lifetime. Here is the GOOD NEWS, don’t be discouraged! EACH TIME WE CHOOSE GOD OVER OUR EATING, WE CHIP AWAY ANOTHER ROOT OF THE STRONGHOLD. Hallelujah! Diane stated that gluttony is like a huge tree that can be blown over by a mild wind when the root structure is destroyed! Isn’t that exciting? Does it give you hope?
Oh, there is SO MUCH MORE I could share, but this post is already long. IF you struggle with weight, I know that this book holds the key. I already knew that fasting was a key, but this author truly explains WHY we should fast spiritually (not just medically as Dr. Herring did). She also pointed out that she wasn’t sharing with others when she was fasting (the bible says that it should be between us and the Lord).
I linked Diane’s book to since that is how I ordered it. But if the link doesn’t work, just do a search. I called the local Christian bookstore, and the clerk said she could order it (btw — it comes with a study guide in the back) for $13.00. I think I paid $11 on Amazon, but probably $15 with shipping. ANYWAY, I can hardly wait to finish this book. It has really ignited my fire to press through to final freedom and deliverance in this area.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, Diane said she KNEW she was free when each season approached and she was in the same size, year after year. For those who do the weight loss yo-yo game, you understand the many sizes a person can fluctuate between. I am looking forward to the day when I can be the same thin size each year. Hallelujah!
I hope this has wet your spiritual appetite.
Oh, that was good! Thanks for sharing, Beth. I love you friend!
I'm glad the book is ministering to you. I'm re-reading it now too. Thanks for sharing the information with your readers. I'm on the phone with Mom now but will try to give you a buzz later. Love you much!! It's so nice to have sisters who are like minded and can relate to my struggles with gluttony. ((hugs))
Wow, that information was awesome. Thank you for sharing it all and giving me something to think on. Why didn't I ever connect those dots? It makes complete sense now! I have always been a "bored eater."
Beth…I simply can't tell you enough what an inspiration you are. You are so encouraging! This is all definitely food for thought. I'll be praying for you as you continue on this miraculous journey!
Sounds like a great book! This is definitely a struggle in my life. It is also one I hope to begin conquering this year, with the Lord's help. Thanks for always being a great inspiration my friend!
Sounds like a book we should all be reading!
I should have read this before eating a piece of sugar cookie 🙂 Awesome meat here! Thanks for sharing…God bless sister and remain strong in His mighty power!
You are an inspiration!
Blessings, andrea
Thank you so much for continuing to share the wisdom that God has given you in this area. I am the yo-yoer and each time I get "fed up" I strive to surrender this area to the Lord but it is hard to find lasting victory. How powerful to think of every act of denying the flesh in food temptation as pulling out a root from this area of stronghold. Now that is power! I needed to hear that to strengthen my will.
May God continue to bless you,
Of COURSE you posted about gluttony today. And what did I post about??? Chocolate truffles!!! lol
A great post, Beth. Love you!
Oh boy – this struck a nerve!
Thanks for giving me a new way of looking at things. I have a lot to pray about…
Wow Beth, my toes just got trampled upon. Thanks for the rebukment, really needed to hear that. Now Kevin is searching the dictionary for the word gluttony.
This is a must read for sure! It´s so important to see the link between the spiritual and the physical. often on or the other is out of wack. Praise the Lord for His abiding love that is never out of wack!
To be in the same size year after year is a great goal! It´s a measure! Cool! What a great tip!
I will be looking for this book for my family. We all need it.
I also love your dailymile widget. I joined in with you if you want a buddy. I miss you on our fitness blog. I loved having you the last challenge. =)
Big hugs
Dani Joy
Thank you for sharing! This is what it is all about, helping each other to become all God has for us. I ordered this book also, am looking forward to reading it. Bless you sweet sister in Christ!
Sounds like a great program!
Wow, sounds really awesome.
Oh Beth, thank you so much for sharing so many items this woman talked about. Paula has told me about this book also. This is definitely a book I need to get my hands on also….God willing He will make a way for me to purchase it…..
"I have often thought it must be easier for any other addict to overcome since they don't need that substance to live, but with food — the drug of choice is always there."
I haven't thought this I've SAID this numerous times…
" She gave the example of a lady who had a bad day. Someone at work hurt her, so she came home and opened the refrigerator. After finding something to eat, she called her friend and talked about the person who had offended her. Afterward, she was left with condemnation and shame. This is how the cycle begins and grows"
Oh Beth, this described me to a T!! I lived this way for SO long….My goodness, this was powerful to read.
this was so powerful I had to share it on my Sacrificial Diet blog sweetie.
Wow, your post had some 'meat' that I need to chew on for a while. Sounds like a great book for those of us who struggle. I love your walk widget on the side too! Have a blessed day!
Wow, Beth. This sounds like the book for me!! Just reading your post got me excited about this. I'm going to find it!
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Beth! I found it on Ebay for $8.89 & free shipping! I just bought it, and I'm so excited to get it! Just wanted to share with ya1
This was really good. I've never really been given to overeat as a general rule but this has given me some great insight as to how to keep that in check. Also a bit of insight into fasting overall. I know it is supposed to be a spiritual benefit but I have to honestly say, I have not experienced any that I am aware of when I have fasted.
I fully agree with you about keeping our fasting between "me and God" unless for some rare reason it has to be mentioned.
Hi Beth,
Are you still doing the fast 5 diet? I did it a couple of years ago and lost 16 pounds! However, I was laid-off and well, going back to my regular eating habits and gained all of it back. I am so disappointed in myself and I find it very hard to go back to the fast 5. It is extremely hard to do this when you have a family of five to cook for and then the weekends come and you have to cook them breakfast and lunch. Smelling the food, seeing them eat and then you starve and then you have to clean up the dishes after all of that and didn’t even eat a morsel! If you are still on it, how do you do it?????