Today at Cafe Chat, Kim presented this statement to us:

Tell of one specific time in your Christian walk that you were overwhelmed with God’s love for you.

That should be an easy assignment, right? Hmmmm, other than the time God provided our beautiful daughter — I’d have to say it was when I experienced His touch on my life.

I accepted Jesus as my Lord at age 11, but I didn’t have a clue what it meant to serve Him. After my teen years and after marriage I was running after God with all of my heart. I was desperate to know Him more and I ate His word day and night. I was raised in a denominational church and I have a lot of sweet memories from Mt. Pisgah. It was a sweet little country church back in the day. But at this stage of my life, God had me on a quest for something more than what I had known or been taught. I wanted the God of the bible. I needed more and nothing could stand in my way.

I began questioning the Lord about certain scriptures that I never heard about in my church. I am not picking on this denomination because they are awesome and they really lay a good foundation of the Word of God! For that I am grateful. I’m just sharing as a once denominational girl. But in the two churches I attended — as a youth then after I married — I couldn’t find the answers to my questions.

To make a very long story short, I became a member of a women’s prayer team. We were all from different denominations and it was awesome! It was there that I felt (tangibly on my physical body) God’s presence. A very sweet friend named Laura came over to me that first night and said, “God wants me to lay my hands on your head and stomach. May I?” WELL YES! I wanted prayer! At that moment, I felt something like electric oil (that is the best way I can describe it) pouring over my head and running down the sides … as if someone had poured some hot oil (not a burning hot, but a beautiful heat) over me.

It was THEN that I was in AWE that God still touched us here today! From that moment, God’s Word really became alive. I can’t describe it, but I knew God was there more than ever before. That opened my eyes to His power for healing and deliverance! Yes, it is DEFINITELY for today! Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He loved me and He touched me. I haven’t been the same since.

If you want to read more, that part of my testimony is at the top of this blog in my navigation bar.

Happy Valentine’s Day! (I love You Lord!)

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