Today we join Kim at the Internet Cafe to discuss our prayer lives (or lack thereof).

Kim posed the following discussions questions:

On a scale of 1-10, with a 10 representing the strongest, rate your current prayer life. Why did you rate yourself as you did?

If you are struggling with your prayer life, make a list of possible stumbling blocks to a more intimate prayer life with Jesus.

Make a list of how we can grow closer to Jesus in our prayer life as well.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate my prayer life a 7 — I suppose. This is hard to rate actually. I can honestly say that I am always chatting with the Lord, however — stealing away moments of complete quietness and rest … not so much.

Am I struggling? I wouldn’t say I’m struggling with my prayer life per se, but I could always improve. Time constraints are the main issue, but honestly — as I try to use that as an excuse, I can find time to blog and read other blogs, right? I can always find time to do what I WANT to do. I really DO YEARN for God’s presence. I YEARN to hear His voice. My heart belongs to Him, yet my flesh is so easily distracted. Sigh! I guess this is why I hunger for Wednesday nights at our church. I can actually spend an hour or more just worshiping the Lord and interceding … no distractions! It is such a precious time!

How can I grow closer to Jesus in my prayer life? One major KEY is reading God’s Word! What does the bible say about the words written within?

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

When we read God’s Word, we are touching LIFE! IF we don’t read His Word, then we have no way of knowing His ways, His desires, His precepts. God’s word is our compass. I could say so much more about the benefits of reading the bible, but I’ll move on.

Spending quality time with the Lord is another KEY. When we are interested in building a relationship in the natural, we are willing to spend time with the other person. That is how we get to know someone, right? We spend time, we talk, we laugh, we cry — share our hearts. It is no different with the Lord. We need to spend time with Him, talk to Him — LISTEN TO HIM, share our hearts, laugh, cry … lean on Him.

I just have to say, I AM SO THANKFUL THAT JESUS IS OUR HIGH PRIEST. He tore the veil and now we can approach the Throne of God. Hallelujah! Do you understand? WOW — WE CAN TALK TO THE GOD OF ALL CREATION and He actually loves US.

Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

For those of us participating in this chat, I pray we will truthfully be able to increase our rating in the next few weeks. God is worthy of our attention and hearts. I definitely feel convicted and want to improve. Not out of works, but because He is worthy and deserving of my whole heart.

Bless you all! If you’d like to participate in this chat, please click the button below.