Hi Friends, I might be two days behind, but I wanted to join Kim’s discussion over at the Internet Cafe!

First, she asked us to watch this short video of Francis Chan. It is really short and interesting … please pause my playlist at the bottom of my blog and watch this if you have a minute.

Kim posed the following questions for discussion:

In light of the Francis Chan video, how do you live out your Christian walk with Jesus? Do you always play it safe? Or do you take risks?

In one or two sentences, what do you want to be said of you, and how you lived out your life for Jesus when your time on earth is finished.

How do I live out my Christian walk with Jesus? Do I always play it safe or do I take risks?

I don’t think I can answer this without explaining where I’ve come from. I have many readers who weren’t with me from the beginning (ha, well actually most of you haven’t read my earlier posts). Many years ago I was asked by my pastor to be the Prayer Coordinator at our (then) church. When he asked me it literally took my breath. I was terrified! This meant being in a leadership role … more pressure than I ever felt teaching Sunday School, singing in the praise band, choir, etc … This was one of the most difficult assignment of my life. I would say I TRULY walked on a narrow beam!

This role lasted about 7 years. I took a lot of spiritual heat and had a lot of darts thrown in my direction over those years. I had people who I thought were my friends turn on me, tell me off over the strangest things, etc … I also saw first hand how people with “Father” or “mother” issues took up their insecurities with those in leadership “over” them. Now that was eye opening (I even saw my own neediness — it wasn’t pretty). It was a very difficult assignment. I guess my spirit knew what accepting that role meant for me. Death to self … death to my rights … death to my will …

With that said and about 4 years behind me since that role, I now feel like I’m hanging onto that beam. I’m not walking really — just kind of of sitting in place. I know God allowed me to sit (I don’t know how else to put it). I was way out of balance in my opinion (and battle weary), but looking back — I don’t know how I could have done anything differently.

Now I am at a church like I’ve always dreamed of attending. Yet I am sitting on the beam. Seriously, every Wednesday night and Sunday morning I thank God for allowing us to be there. But now it seems I have lost confidence in myself — I KNOW — evening saying that I know that my confidence is in the Lord. But do you know what I mean? Have you ever been through something so horrendous that it knocks the spiritual breath out of you? I feel like I’m in a holding pattern, but at the same time — I don’t want to get too comfortable here and forget the dreams I’ve had over the years.

What do I want to be said of me when my life is finished?

If nothing else, I pray people will say that I loved Jesus with my whole heart. Even though I made plenty of mistakes along the way, my heart was for my Lord.

Thank you for sticking with this and reading through.

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