Good morning everyone!

Yesterday I had a conversation with my friend Robin (you really should check out her ministry – click HERE) that reminded me of some lesson/confirmations I received the past couple of weeks.  I shared in last night’s post about an illustration of what happens when we speak (click HERE if you’re interested), but today I want to share about our IMAGINATIONS.

What is the definition of an imagination?  According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary it is this:


: the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality
a : creative ability b : ability to confront and deal with a problem : resourcefulness imagination and get us out of here> c : the thinking or active mind : interest imagination>
a : a creation of the mind; especially : an idealized or poetic creation b : fanciful or empty assumption

God has given us the wonderful gift of an imagination!

As a child we are encouraged to use our imagination, but as we mature “day dreaming” is discouraged and many of us place our gift of imagination on a shelf.

When I attended a Gary Oates conference several months ago, he taught that God wanted us to have and USE a SANCTIFIED imagination.  We must filter what our eyes see, what our ears hear, and what we feed our souls.  Just as with food — junk in, junk out.  Right?

Since the Gary Oates conference I have really taken what he said to heart and have placed even more of a filter on my life.  I don’t know about you, but I want to see visions of Kingdom things and gain understanding as many ways as possible.

This last conference really nailed the point home to me.  I only want holiness to fill my well, not the things of this world that would pollute.  For instance, you would probably be surprised to know that I have a guilty pleasure that I KNOW is filth.  I know nothing “good” is in it … but through the years I have continued to follow it.  I won’t mention the show, but the women on it are DESPERATE.  Anyway, it is stuff like that I must push away.  I want my filters CLEAN and my thoughts to be on the things of God.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

I was sharing with Robin that it is interesting how God gives us His Word.  IF we obey it, we truly do save ourselves so much trouble.  However, He doesn’t always spell out exactly what will happen when we disobey — but trust me, there is A LOT that could be said.  

Our thought life is POWERFUL!  It can draw holy activity into our lives or UNHOLY.  The choice is ours.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. (Emphasis mine.)

It was reiterated at this last conference how powerful our imaginations are.  God showed me areas where I was taking a thought the enemy placed in my mind and was rehearsing it — “imagining” it coming to pass.  Argh!  The devil is sneaky.  Seriously – ask God to show you if YOU are doing this too.  For example, mine had to do with an area that once caused me fear.  As I approached this area, I would think about it and SEE myself (in my imagination) reacting in a fearful way.  

Ok, how about this as a visual.  What if you DESPISE snakes and know that you are about to walk into a room full of them.  Immediately you begin to see yourself scream, run, react in a fearful way (even if they are in cages).  My challenge to is to visualize yourself reacting in a different way.  A way that would come into alignment with God’s Word.

That is what I am doing now with my imagination.  I am imagining myself walking into the things I have dreamed about my future.  I am “seeing” myself in my sanctified imagination as VICTORIOUS.  I am using this wonderful gift to place myself in His Will.

So much could be said about this subject, but I just wanted to drop a few lines to wet your appetite.  I pray this post will remind you to capture your thoughts and to USE your imagination for pure and holy things.  God gave it to you for a reason.

When meditating on scripture, IMAGINE yourself in that place with the Lord — see it in your mind — the landscape, the people.  I guarantee if you do this on a consistent basis your life will be changed!  I am challenging you to prove me wrong.

This may be the last post before I head off to our Women’s Aglow Retreat.  I’ll fill you in next week! 

God bless you!

(Picture was taken over my house yesterday.)