Thank You Lord! That is all I can say about yesterday. I was invited to a closed session meeting with some well known ministers and about 70 other folks. It was a miracle that I was even sitting in that room. I have watched these particular ministers for years on TV and received their magazine for a long time. I still can’t believe I was shaking this man’s hand (I didn’t cross paths with his wife). I am still amazed that this even happened. (This picture was not taken at this particular meeting. I found it on the Internet.)
The meeting began with some awesome worship. God’s presence was so weighty and precious that all I wanted to do was lie down on the floor and rest in His love. But of course it never fails — when we reach that point in worship, the program begins. The leaders of this wonderful new “worship center” came to the front to receive prayer. It was so awesome to see some of the older generation up front. [I wanted to weep because I can only imagine what it would be like to have Spirit-filled parents who hunger for God’s presence.] Anyway, as the leaders received prayer, I felt like I was on the bank of a river, hungering to jump in the water too. I was so close to the activity, but I couldn’t join. I felt selfish, so I captured my thoughts and began to pray for those who were receiving blessings in front of me, but again my thoughts went back to my own hunger.
Have you ever watched one of those National Geographic specials where you see a lion eating a tasty meal while the other lions paced around — hoping for an opening to eat? That is how I felt. I was so hungry to experience what the leaders were experiencing!
Seriously, I was blessed just to be in the room with these dear people who love Jesus with total abandon! After one of the visiting ministers shared the Word from the book of John, it seemed like the meeting was going to draw to an end. The group was smaller at this point because some of the people had left the meeting (it started at 3pm and now it was near 6:30). Suddenly the leader suggested that EACH OF US RECEIVE PRAYER. Oh, hallelujah!!!!!! I was so ready — so hungry to receive whatever God had for me.
I can’t explain how it felt to receive such a blessing. God’s presence is more costly than gold. So precious …
I left that place totally blessed! Thank You Father God!
The construction picture shows the inside of the new worship center being constructed (it is near completion now). It will only be used for worship. How awesome is that? People can go there and just soak and rest in God’s presence!