See this innocent seeming creature?
This picture was taken last fall. This little calf is now a full blown COW.
Our cows are hefty and large. I definitely respect animals that can cause ME bodily harm.
Well, that is until …
Here is what happened.
Thursday, I was at home when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out and I didn’t recognize the guy at the door. He was starting to open my storm door which made me feel uncomfortable. I prayed, “God, please protect us” as I opened the door. “May I help you” I asked and he said, “Your cows are out.”
Oh man! This is NOT something I ever want to hear (especially when my husband isn’t home).
I said calmly, “Oh, some of the baby calves?” (They sometimes cross our cattle guards, but always stay close to the fence.) “No ma’am – these are HEIFERS” he said. (Actually they are brood cows, but that is a different story.)
Meanwhile another stranger had pulled into our drive to alert me.
Did I mention there are 4 lanes of traffic in front of our farm? Oh, and this was RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC … people leaving work.
I grabbed my daughter and we ran across the yard to our barn. There I saw several cars (good citizens) stopped on the shoulder of the road. Basically, they were IN the lane to block cars from hitting our cows.
One big black Angus was next to the fence (and beside of the road) trying to figure out which way to run. Cars were coming and going … freaking her out a bit.
The cars that were parked along the road and the fence-line gave her the perfect path to run down, but a lady who was trying to help was standing right in her path. I kept screaming (over the traffic) for the lady to GET BACK IN HER CAR! Did she listen? Uh, no. This caused the cow to run INTO the traffic. The lady was standing between the cow and her only entrance back to the fence. NOT a wise move. The cow could have plowed her down.
Oh, and somehow in the midst of running across the yard with an almost 5 year old, I called my husband and a friend on Nextel (God bless Nextel — beep beep). It just so happened that we had two guys (THANK YOU MARK & other man) on our farm preparing for our corn maze season … so with their help, my hubby, and the strangers — the cows were directed back through the gate and everyone was safe.
BACK TO THE POINT OF RESPECTING AN ANIMAL THAT IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ME …. well, that flew “out the window” as the old sayin’ goes. Can you picture me standing in front of this beast with my arms stretched out (like playing chicken with a small car headed towards me) yelling, “Yaaaa, yaaaaaaa!” Yeah – that is cow talk for “Get away cow — go that way!”
I am thankful I have been doing the Couch-to-5K plan! I was running those crazy cows and I was in good shape. Ha! Thankfully!
We allowed a photographer to use our farm the night before and he left a gate open! It took the cows almost 24 hours to discover an escape route. Of course the photographer was mortified when he found out what happened. NOTE: THE GATE NOW HAS A LOCK ON IT!
1. All cows are safe.
2. Nobody was injured.
3. Very nice strangers got involved and endangered their own lives to help.
4. I tried to block a huge cow with my body — ha, as IF!
5. A happy ending.
Always something exciting to share when you live on a farm.
Have a super blessed Sunday everyone!
Ha ha! Praise the Lord for Couch 2 5k eh? (snort) I am glad you got all your cows back, and that there was a spirit of uninity in your community at just the right time!! Thanks for sharing your farm antics! Sometimes they make me long for more land, other times… I am thankful I am smack dab in the city!
GOD is really good.GOOD IS GOD.Amen Have a great week full of joy and peace. Love to all.
Update on amden on arise 2 write.
The only good thing between you and a cow is a fence Lol. Life is exciting.
Jenny <><
I loved this story. I grew up in upstate NY and we lived around several dairy farms. We always had cows in our yard. I remember the bus pulling up infront of my house one day and the front yard just loaded with cows. My parents weren't home. I called the farmer and they came and chased the cows back to the barn. I wouldn't want to deal with runaway cows on your road. YIKES!!!! I'm glad everything worked out.
This would of been quite the scene! lol
I'm glad everyone is ok.
Ummm, I would be the one ON the porch…no where near the cows!
I can so relate… I grew up on a farm in PA and we had Red Angus beef cattle and Bison. The Bison got out and over to Interstate 80, a couple ended up in town near the post office (chasing people back in, of course). We made the papers.
Glad it all turned out all right. I can't imagine having to deal with such a situation!
Whew!!!Can't imagine! But glad to know you're safe sister…Sorry, I'm still rolling here on the floor 🙂
Take care 🙂
Hey Beth.. what a great story..
and what a happy ending..
My sister has cows and pigs.. one day when her husband was on duty (firefighter) her 200lb pig got out and was rubbing his muddy sides along the house,, she was freaking out, and finally got an apple and enticed them back to his fence.. but she said also, you couldnt move this big animal, he only was going to go where he wanted to go..
never the less..another happy ending..
Have a great week..
I'm happy to hear that you are all in one piece…I am also glad to say that I'm glad that wasn't me! I would of been the one who needed rescuing. LOL
Love you,
Yea, the c25k is paying off in more ways then one! God is good all the time!
Wow…..what a story…
A few hours of Sunday blog hopping. Hope you will stop by for a visit…I am giving away gifts on both of my blogs this week, all week….
Happy Sunday
OMGosh! I am glad that everyone was ok (cows included!).
Beth your post put a smile on my face. Glad all turned out okay! Blessings to you dear one, JBR
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm laughing out loud at your misfortune. I am so sorry…. but this is hilarious! We have family that owns a ranch with several cows. The last time we stayed there, it just about scared me to death when I heard a cow outside the window! Bless you Beth, and your bravery! 🙂
And yay for being in shape!
Wow, never a dull moment sis. I love you.