Heading towards my destiny

I have a new look! Thanks to sweet Tara at Blog Makeovers by Tara, I have a sleeker look that hopefully uploads a LOT faster for you.

I feel like a horrible friend because I haven’t had time to visit many of you this week. Today is no exception. I am swamped at home, but I hope to have some time this weekend to catch up.

In case you don’t see your beautiful button, don’t fret. Tara moved them to my navigation bar. Go there to see all of my pals. If I’m missing your button and you follow me — let me know. You’ll also notice my awards have been moved too.

Please grab my new button. Woo hoo. Maybe this is a prophetic sign (smile) that I am going to be sleeker and lighter TOO. Oh yeah!

Thanks again Tara!