I was ANGRY at myself!
With that said, God really dealt with my heart about my thought life and confession!
Two of my friends, Lisa (Sharing Life with Lisa) and Peggy (Amazing Grace ~ Mazes, Messes, Miracles), directed me to this wonderful blog:
Please go over to read the rest!
The Courageous ChoiceLast night I had the most interesting conversation with a friend of mine who lives in Hollywood. This person lives in the midst of glitz, glamor, and extreme excess. They very much live in that world but refuse to live like that world. They are determined to teach their kids something rare… the courageous choice.
It’s funny though we weren’t talking about food, I kept thinking about you, my blog friends, throughout this conversation. I kept thinking about you because the courageous choice is exactly what’s at the core of the food issues we tackled on the blog yesterday …
And another post that was timely for me:
Nothing Tastes as Good as Peace Feels
A year and a half ago I set out on what I thought would be a 3 month fast from sugar to lose weight. Here I am 18 months later and I’m still fasting from sugar. And I can honestly tell you, I never thought this would be possible for me.
As a matter of fact, at the beginning I mourned over giving up sugar for three months. Big, crocodile tears dripped from my eyeballs on many a day during the early part of this journey. We’re talking the ugly cry. I was breaking up with a life time love affair with sugar. And excuse the pun but it’s really hard to break up with something when it is still being really sweet to you.
Visit the author and finish reading the rest of these wonderful posts HERE.
I SO know how you feel. I am the heaviest I have ever been and torcher myself with the daily scale. I KNOW I just had a baby 9 weeks ago but I just feel terrible. I KNOW God doesn't care but BOY I DO UGH! Thanks for this post!
Ritas is not where you want to go if you are dieting…I had no right to be there, however we had company and that is my excuse:) I do not know your town posted in NC? We are on the border of NC and SC, close to CHarlotte.
It is so difficult to swallow esp. when you think you have been doing so well. Keep your chin up and keep fighting! It is a constant battle – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Ohhhh no, no, no, NO CONDEMNATION!
Blessings dear Beth…I don't want my name here associated with anger and feeling ashamed, I was just trying to share that you're not alone… and give you some pearls of wisdom. let's go back to my original comment on WFW
You have been running the GOOD race and doing much more than I so press on and use this to motivate, no voices from the enemy. I love you!
No beating yourself up… "let the one who is free…cast the first stone.
(See me walking away with my head down and no rock in my hand but reaching up to the Rock that is higher than us…) You keep on keepin' it on! You can't run and then splurge, you knew the truth would show up. Grin, bear it and keep battling my friend…we're in this to WIN! Conquer, defeat and discourage the enemy not ourselves!
I loved your vimeos, and I know there is progress… or I'll eat my
(((hugs))) Peggy
ok no more DQ plans… mini or otherwise for me…what say ye?
Beth…remember when I posted to you a while back and asked aobut what you were doing to lose??? Well, you inspired me to give WW 1 more try! I've lost 11 lbs…not the fastest…but lost none the less. Thank you for your inspiration…don't let satan zap what you have become and your good deeds and your ability to help others in their struggles…keep the faith girl…Sue Ellen
God bless you sis, you are doing so well. Do not be so hard on yourself. I love you.
Despite your frustrations dear one, kuddos to you. I see when I read your blog a woman of strength. Sure we are human and fail and have flaws. But, your inner strength does shine here dear one. Thank you for that. Blessings.
I hear you loud and clear!! Aren't all of us who are making this effort struggling in some way? You commented on my blog and encouraged me….
We can do this…maybe we have our expectations too high…I weighed this morning and yes, I have already lost a few pounds since starting on this new journey this past Monday, but my first thought was "why have I not lost more"? I felt I should have lost more than I had! And I felt bad about it!
You are an inspiration…don't beat yourself up, even though I can relate! Take a deep breath and keep on keeping on!!