I attended a memorial service for my ex-sister-in-law yesterday.  She and my brother had their share of differences over the years, but she was always kind to me.

I mourned for a woman who had her share of difficulties.  She had diabetes and endured a leg amputation because of it.  Later in years she survived a kidney transplant.  She died at the age of 53. 

Divorce is strange.  I still felt a connection to her family even though my brother severed his connection years ago.  They entered into my life when I was somewhere around the age of 12, 13, 14 … somewhere in there.  I felt I needed to be there.

It made me wonder what people would say about my life.  Would my family know how much I love Jesus and desire to live a life that gives Him honor?  

I fail so often.

I am quick with my tongue.  

I feel pressed on every side sometimes.  My parents need me and expect me to be there every other day.  My child needs me.  My husband has his own set of expectations where I am concerned.  Like so many of you, I never have a day of “me time” where I’m not expected to be somewhere or do something for someone else. 

Last night I felt pressed and I said something snappy at my husband (because he snapped at me first).  Sigh, trust me — we really don’t argue as a norm.  When I snapped back, he made a comment and our daughter said, “She does that to me sometimes too.”  She said it so innocently — not realizing how those words sent a dagger right into my being.  Those words broke me.  I sat at the table where I was trying to help someone else and the tears began to flow.  My husband and daughter were oblivious to what was happening inside.  I was crumbling.  All of my anger washed away and I sat there, broken and spilled out.

I never want my child to think of me as mean or snappy.  I try so hard to be a good Mom.  I never want to pass down any generational mess to her.

I went through the motions of helping a friend, then handling a business card issue, then gave Princess a bath.  I couldn’t even speak.  All I could do was pour my heart out in my journal.

When I picked my child up out of the tub and wrapped her in her towel, she squeezed me and said I was the best Mommy in the world.  Sigh.  Yeah, best Mommy who “sometimes does that to [her] too” … 

I know that only Jesus is perfect.  But would my family truly know my love for Him?  Do I fail in reflecting His love with those around me?

What will people remember about me when I leave this earth (60 years from now — unless Jesus returns first)?  Memorial services often make me ponder this question. 

That is one reason I started writing this blog.  I have often felt like I didn’t have a voice.  It has been squelched so many times.  Here, I can write what is on my heart and nobody can hush me or keep me hidden.  I am grateful for this medium.  It has been a gift from God.

I don’t know, but that is what is on my heart this morning.  

Proverbs 31: 25-31
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
   she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
   and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
 She watches over the affairs of her household
   and does not eat the bread of idleness.
 Her children arise and call her blessed;
   her husband also, and he praises her:
 “Many women do noble things,
   but you surpass them all.”
 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
   and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.