Yesterday after church we had lunch with one of our pastors and his sweet wife. During our conversation, my past experiences with panic attacks and a spirit of fear came up. I thought they knew about that part of my life, but they didn’t. Anyway, my pastor said something about the area of attack in our lives often happens in the area of our calling.
You know how I ponder on things sometimes. Sigh. Well, what is the opposite of FEAR? FEARLESS! FAITH? Right?
Last night I had another “ah ha” moment. What if I lived my life today without any lie of fear in my ear? Wow, would my life look different! There are little fears, little foxes that spoil the vine.
I would fly on airplanes at the drop of a hat because I wouldn’t think twice about all of the germs that are circulating in the plane.
I would just take off and drive to the beach — just me and my daughter (since hubby doesn’t like the beach).
I would enjoy my husband more. Twenty years have already flown by and so many moments we could have spent together have blown away.
I would go float down the river with my family and not think “What if we saw a snake?”
I wouldn’t fear what others thought of me.
I wouldn’t fear singing on stage again.
Fear this, fear that. Scream!
So many little lies of satan still hinder and harass. It ticks me off really. My mind WILL BE RENEWED by His Word!
Can anyone else relate?
"I second the motion!!!" 🙂
I hate to fly, not afraid of it but just doesn't like the discomfort of sitting in that seat for many hours…How many vacation plans I had missed with my family just because of that thought if it required for us to fly, I was quick to say "no"…
Sad part, when we give in to those lies…instead of focusing on His truth…I'll see you in the freeway then, sometime…off to the beach!!! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you sister in advance and God bless. Love to you.
Oh I can totally relate…not flying and the beach…but things like…not doing something because of FEAR of what people will see me and then think about my kids. I miss going out to place for fear of what my kids will do. (that one is sad…and I know…but I still do it.) The sad thing is folks tell me and I know it's true…I'm good with kids (but I know they're thinking…why can't I control that one over there) so I let one child govern where we go…what we do…who comes over… because of fear of what he'll do..say…it's sad. I'm getting mad now just thinking about how Satan has really messed me up in this area….I need to get my bible study going this morning…and get out of this fear…thanks for being real… I totally can relate!
Yes, unfortunately I can relate! Thanks for sharing! It encourages me and spurs me on to get rid of the fears that still bind me!
Girl, you KNOW unfortunately I can relate! I am working on being set free from all my fears. I absolutely believe that the enemy hits you especially hard because he can see what a power house for God you WILL be once he can't keep you insecure anymore. Not that God isn't already using you in a mighty way, but I can tell you, greater things are in store for you, just keep pressing through. Love ya
Oh yes. I can relate. Fear of letting go of temporal things. Fear of being seen as a failure – by worldly standards.
I pray every day for faith and courage. Faith and courage. Enough for today. my manna. 🙂
Great post – thanks Beth!
I can definitely relate…
I would like to get over my fear of singing solos. I'll sing duets, in small groups, etc. with no problem. It's that solo stuff that gets to me!
What a powerful post!
Love you,
Well Ladies like the rest of us you are all getting there.Amen St. POD.
I would still fear the snakes. :o)
I do relate. Thanks for the post.
Faith is My Gratefulness.
I can totally relate…although, I have to say that I am not entirely fearful of many things!!! 😉 I need to be more fearful. I kind of think to myself….only GOD knows when I am going so…I might as well live to the fullest (and the craziest)!!!
Well you know that I can relate. I'm just taking it one day at a time, yesterday was another one, but God is faithful and I pray for deliverance!
Great post Beth!
so true. I have struggled with fear and panic attacks for most of my adult life. There are times when I do well, and then there are times when I feel like I'm drowning, and just barely surviving this life because of everything there is to fear. Thank GOD for His amazing Grace,,,,His Grace is sufficient for me <3
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
I can relate but I have overcome (to some degree) some of the things that cause fear for me. I have a long way to go though.
I'm behind the other 14 or 15 comments in saying, yes, I relate! You are very right, Beth, in that having fear is equivalent to believing a lie. And the "great" lie is that we cannot trust our Heavenly Father with our lives. One scripture that helped me see this is "perfect love cast out all fear"…it took awhile for me to really grasp that, but then, like you, I had the ah-ha moment…GOD IS LOVE! Wow, what a release of fear that was for me. I'm still dependent on His wings to travel by plane, but I do know, even if I have a slight fear, that He will keep the plane in the air, and if He doesn't, then He wanted everyone on board to come home…when you think about it, not such a bad thought!
Love your post and your hunger for the Lord, and a Divine Peace that has no room for fear!
God bless you!
My dear, fear fear just loves to raise its ugly head from time to time in all our lives. Personally, whenever it does, I try to recall that I don't have to carry it around with me, so I leave it with the Lord :o)
Have a blessed day.
We have nothing to fear b/c we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies, far above the power of the enemy! Everything that touches us has been filtered through our Sovereign God's fingers of love. I hope you have a super blessed Thanksgiving! So glad to find your blog!
Yes, I can totally relate. I always worried what people thought about me. I'm not a people pleaser, but I'm also not one of those people who put themselves out there (for fear of that). What it comes down to though, is pride!!
Oh sweet Beth, fear can be so incapacitating. I remember Beth Moore saying that she used to place her Bible over her head sometimes at night because she so needed to replace the enemy's lies with His Word. I guess it's best to read and mediate on it.
Love you my friend,
Amen, I totally understand sweet sis. I love you, prayers are being said for you.
Beth I do have some fear as well, especially fear of failing and it has kept me so often from stepping out. Lately God has me focusing on the fact that He has not given me the spirit of fear, so if He hasn't given it to me where did I get it from…of course the enemy.
Do I want to hold on to anything that the enemy has given me? No!
So with that I am stepping out and doing "it" even when I am afraid.
I am sorry to say – I can totally relate!
As Christians, we can get really good at spotting the big lies the devil tries to tell us, but often it's the small ones that make it through unnoticed.
Thanks for the reminder to let go of my fears!
What if I lived my life today without any lie of fear in my ear?
amen amen amen..yes, each and every day..and relate? ummmmmmmmmmmm,,ya girl!! God is good and will NOT leave His precious daughters in a state of fear, for He has not given us a spirit of fear has He..we WILL NOT BELIEVE the lies…amen amen amen