Yesterday after church we had lunch with one of our pastors and his sweet wife. During our conversation, my past experiences with panic attacks and a spirit of fear came up. I thought they knew about that part of my life, but they didn’t. Anyway, my pastor said something about the area of attack in our lives often happens in the area of our calling.

You know how I ponder on things sometimes. Sigh. Well, what is the opposite of FEAR? FEARLESS! FAITH? Right?

Last night I had another “ah ha” moment. What if I lived my life today without any lie of fear in my ear? Wow, would my life look different! There are little fears, little foxes that spoil the vine.

I would fly on airplanes at the drop of a hat because I wouldn’t think twice about all of the germs that are circulating in the plane.

I would just take off and drive to the beach — just me and my daughter (since hubby doesn’t like the beach).

I would enjoy my husband more. Twenty years have already flown by and so many moments we could have spent together have blown away.

I would go float down the river with my family and not think “What if we saw a snake?”

I wouldn’t fear what others thought of me.

I wouldn’t fear singing on stage again.

Fear this, fear that. Scream!

So many little lies of satan still hinder and harass. It ticks me off really. My mind WILL BE RENEWED by His Word!

Can anyone else relate?