Don’t you hate it when you KNOW BETTER, yet you allow something to happen anyway? Sigh!
My dear Boaz was watching some special last night on storm chasers. These crazy people risk their lives to follow a tornado and capture it on film. I felt fear rising up in me as I watched and listened as I paid bills. My precious daughter was dozing off for the night as this was playing as well. I was raised/conditioned to be fearful of storms. I have overcome a LOT as I’ve grown in the Lord, but I admit that I still struggle a bit.
But the point of what I’m sharing is this: I FELT FEAR IN THE ROOM!
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Trust me, after dealing with a spirit (demon) of fear for most of my life, I recognized my FOE. However, I went to bed without dealing with him — commanding him to leave our home!
Sure enough, at 12am, my daughter awakened me by crying out my name. I must have been in a deep sleep because her cries seemed so far away. I said, “Did you have a bad dream honey?” She said, “YES, it was very BAD” as I scooped her up and put her in our bed. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep very well this morning. I even had a nightmare in the morning hours.
I don’t sense fear in the house now, but you better believe I will pray over our house today!
The Spirit of Prophesy Bulletin from October 16th read:
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — October 16, 2009:
Be strong! Watch for a lying spirit to open the door to a spirit of fear. Watch and be on guard; do not allow the enemy to gain a foothold in any area of your life. Defeat him where you find him, and put your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord, for I am well able to bring you through any challenge. Stand on the firm foundation of My promises to you, refusing to budge one inch from what you know to be the truth.
1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
And today’s prophesy bulletin stated:
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — October 19, 2009:
I experienced a prophetic enactment in which there was a single strand of a spider’s web about 3 feet in front of me, and instead of pulling it down I chose to ignore it. Then, within the space of about half an hour it was in my face. And, I heard the Lord say, ” You we need to be pay attention and be aware of the work of the enemy and pull it down as soon as you see it or it will be in your face. 2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.
I didn’t pull down the single strand that was in my house last night. I felt him here and allowed him to stay (temporarily). He attacked my child, then me.
Lesson learned — yet again. Learn from my mistake — when you sense something isn’t right in your home, don’t ignore it. DEAL WITH IT in the Name of Jesus.
Thank you Beth. I needed to read this today. I have some demons I need to deal with this morning. Feelings of depression and oppression. I'm thankful for your reminder that we need to stand up to our foes. (((hugs)))
I have been there too. I will be better at this myself with God's help!!
You are so right. There are times when I let feeling slide, only to have them become a much larger issue later.
When we have God on our side, there is NOTHING we can't conquer!
I know what you're talking about. When our marriage was a mess and I was withdrawn from my daughter(I was a christian)I would always say to my mom that I felt a evil presence in our home.
Our daughter would have "bad" dreams aleast 3 times a week. The doctor called them night terrors but now I know that it was demonic.
She would scream "They won't leave me. They keep touching me." Her eyes would be open and she would tremble uncontrollably.
It was a very dark place in my life, a place I never want to go back to.
I thank God for the wisdom and authority that I now have in Jesus Christ!
Thank you for sharing.
Amen! Thank you for the reminder my friend that He who is in us is greater than the enemy. May we never forget it!
Hope you have a great Monday!
Love the spider web illustration. If we do not knock them down. They end up in our face. That is so good!
Thanks for the reminder, I have some demons I need to deal with. This was a wake-up call, I don't know what I was thinking… why I let it go this long.
Love and blessings,
Those old foes visit us and can take us places before we realize it!!!
One would think that after surviving hurricane Katrina I would never want to watch shows like that, but I must admit I was entranced by it. Tornadoes are deadly and frightening, yet I never miss an opportunity to watch them on tv. Go Figure!
Very powerful post today, Beth! I needed to read it and apply it to my home and life as well. I love storms of all kinds…they intrigue me and amaze me but my fears come to me in other forms…ones that the enemy knows all too well.
I loved the spider web analogy because I hate spiders and that spoke volumes to me.
Thank you so much for sharing this today.
(((hugs))) from Arkansas!
Hello Beth,
I have to say that is an amazing photo! But I realize that is not what this post is about, and you are right…He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, and… There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18
I know just what you mean!
I'm having a really bad morning…I think I know why 😉
I'm glad you kicked fears butt!
Thank you Beth for this reminder! Fear has a way of sneaking in when we least expect it. So glad you kicked that fear from your home1
Hi Beth…fear is a mighty weapon used by enemy, and it does begin with the lie. I used to be plagued with fear to the point I would "see" demonic figures in the hallway. I called in to a radio program and asked about it…I was told that those images were brought on by my anger…when I heard it, I knew immediately it was true. As I dealt with the anger, the images and the fears began to subside. Now, when I am being attacked with fear, I take every thought captive, and evaluate my thoughts…am I believing a lie? Are my fears rational, etc. Tt takes fervent prayer to fight the battle as the enemy continues to play on my mind and emotions with that fear, but knowing who my Redeemer is, and that the battle has been won brings such comfort and peace…the spirit of fear cannot live where God's perfect love lives.
I am praying for you, sweet Beth…God bless you!
Amen, Beth!!!
I strongly believe the devil spreads amongst the household like wildfire, I used to have nightmares every single night (I'd wake up with a pounding headache) when a certain family member was sinning behind closed doors.
I've learned to pray over each family member and in each room, it works!!
Now whenever I feel fear in my heart, I have to pray through it or the entire family would be affected in somehow. That is pretty powerful stuff but guess what, God is "bigger than the boogie man!" (a veggietale song that's oh so true!)
This is a powerful reminder sister Beth of who we are in Jesus! This nasty enemy doesn't do anything but just intimidate…Glory to God for the victory we have in Him! I'm glad that you shared this so we can be aware of what position we must take as the enemies are always lurking, looking for someone to devour! Hope your Princess is feeling a lot better now…God bless you and protect you all. Love to you sister.
This is so true. Isn't it just amazing how our dreams absorb what we see/feel/hear during the day. I have such a story to share with you. Reply back to this comment and I'll share with you privately. It's just so powerful…even the most innocent of things can affect our dreams. A dear friend told me that it is our residual things that enter our dreams. Say we experience something, then three days later we can have a dream about that. That is EXACTLY what happened to me.
I still have to deal with fear now and again, but it is no longer a stronghold in my life, and I am SO happy about that.
Thank you for sharing this. It is incredible what happens when we don't follow through what we feel we should sometimes… like eradicating the demons that somehow try to find their ways into our homes.
Oh dear sister, thank you so much for sharing this 'teachable moment' for all of us, for sharpening us beloved one.
Asher used to be EXTREMELY fearful of tornadoes (we live in Ontario, it is NOT tornado row! lol). The poor peanut would sleep with a whool hat on his head (what came to my mind as I wrote this was 'the helmet of salvation).
Randan used to be attacked GREATLY with bad dreams. I evenutally bought him his own tape recorder so he could turn it on and play praise music on. At night at 3 a.m. I would be awaken with praise music on. Also I taught him when the attacks would happen to call out Jesus' Name. "The monsters HATE Jesus and even saying His Name will cause them to flee". So here would be my three year old in the middle of the night and I would hear him say over and over Jesus, Jesus, Jesus….
Thanks for sharing sis.
As one who was deeply affected by FEAR DEMON from living a fear based life from my childhood I can relate but thanks be to GOD that the power of JESUS is greater than any fear the enemy tries to bring upon us.
"Greater is HE that is within us than he that is in the world"
We have not been given that nasty spirit of fear by GOD. It's from the enemy so thank GOD we can hold on to what JESUS has given us a spirit of love, power and sound mind. Hallelujah!
Bless you Beth and your dear family. Keep sharing how HE moves in your life. GOD IS FAITHFUL!
Love and blessings.
Greater is he that is in us than the devil that in the world, if God be for us who can be against us. Thanks for this encouraging words, first time here will visit often.
That is a very powerful post that I definitely need to hear. I have been dealing with some demons of my own. Thanks so much for posting this.
If you have time, I'd love it if you could come by my blog and check out 'Wednesdays for Wyatt'. This family really needs our help.
Have a blessed day!
Teresa <><
Random side thought: the 5 year old I nanny for has asked for one thing for Christmas…..a "hurricane detector"…!!!!!
Bless you for sharing this, love you.