I wish you could feel the breeze I am experiencing right now. I am sitting on our porch spending time with the Lord. I read Proverbs 16, wrote in my journal, and am listening to an instrumental album by Joshua Mills.
Today, things seem new and right. Today HOPE has been restored. Dreams forgotten have been reborn.
As I was taking this photo, Joshua was playing part of the old hymn “Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus.” That was perfect! That defines how I feel right now. I am trusting and resting in His peace.
Last night Jane Hamon shared a message that was exactly what I needed to hear. The message God gave her for 2015 is: This is a time for DIVINE REVERSALS, DIVINE HOPE, AND DIVINE RECOVERIES.
I absolutely receive this message and it aligns perfectly with what is happening in my life right now.
Will the world continue to get darker? YES.
John 1:5
And the light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.
The world will become more and more evil, but we should be encouraged because the Light of Christ will shine all the more!
Jane reminded us that satan wants our HOPE. Why would he want our hope? What is faith?
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
We MUST have hope to have faith! Faith is the substance of things HOPED for in our lives. Without hope, faith can’t survive.
I must confess, with all of the darkness making itself so evident in our country, and now our president has made a deal with Iran of all places — it can seem hopeless if our eyes aren’t on Jesus and on His promises.
Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Yes, HOPE has been restored.
Last night at church I met a man who was Muslim his entire life until recently. He started a conversation with our pastor’s nanny and the next Sunday gave his life to Jesus! Hallelujah! Talking with him last night restored hope in my soul. He proclaimed over and over. I WAS IN DARKNESS, NOW I AM IN THE LIGHT! YOU ARE MY SISTER. I AM YOUR BROTHER. I stood there with tears in my eyes. All of his immediate family members are Christians and his wife has prayed for him for over 30 years. He lost a young son and there was a note in the son’s Bible for him. The son told him to FOLLOW him because he was with Jesus. Oh my! This man whose hand I was holding was recently in complete darkness. He had no hope, but now he knows exactly where his son is and knows that he will be with him for eternity.
Yes, seeing this new believer and hearing Jane’s message absolutely did a work in my heart.
1 Thessalonians 5:5
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
We were in darkness, but now we are children of LIGHT. Darkness can’t hide light or snuff it out.
Isaiah 60:3
Nations will be drawn to your light, And kings to the dawning of your new day.
Nations will rise and fall and whatever CAN be shaken, will be shaken! Know that these things must happen before the coming of our Lord, but also realize that WE ALONE can give the world HOPE. We are the LIGHT and the SALT because our lives are not our own. They belong to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
There is hope for every sinner once he repents. There is hope for a dying world. His Name is Yeshua, Jesus, The Christ, The Son of the Living God.
Thank you for sharing this Beth! It’s important for us to share testimonies like this. You are also giving me HOPE. It can be easy to give up on people who don’t seem to see the Light. But our God is so patient.
Blessings and love,