The other day I had a God-arranged visit. A sweet lady popped by my house for an unexpected visit, but God had a plan. I’m not sharing this to embarrass her AT ALL, but I’m sharing because I believe MANY people have been taught the same information.
She was recently diagnosed with a health issue. I began to talk about generational curses and she shared how her father had the same issue.
She asked the question, “Do you think God gives sickness to teach us things?”
My response was, “Who comes to steal, kill, and destroy?” She knew the answer. Satan.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
After we talked, we prayed and God touched her. He totally set up the visit.
Yesterday, I asked someone if I could pray for an issue he was having in his body. I shared how I had prayed over someone else with the same issue and God healed her. He said, “Whatever God’s will is …”
That bothered me for some reason. That comment. I know SO MANY people think that way. Hey, I was raised here in the south and I have heard that type of humble response many times. This particular man loves Jesus, so I’m sure he meant it with all of his heart.
Think about it though. IF you believe that it is God’s Will for you to be sick — wouldn’t that make you feel less loved than the other person who isn’t sick? Talk about rejection!
In Hebrews 11:4 we hear that Abel was a righteous man, but died because of his brother’s sin. In Exodus 34:7, we see that the sins of the fathers are passed down to the third and fourth generations.
When Jesus spoke to the crippled man who was healed, He later told him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you” (John 5:14).
In John 9:1-3 the disciples asked Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” And Jesus said, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” Jesus never denied that sin can cause sickness, but in this particular case it was for a different reason.
Some of us may have been taught that sickness is from God and it somehow brings glory to God, but as Joan Hunter said, “Wouldn’t it bring God more glory if you were even sicker?” Why pray for healing if it is from God? You know? If God gave you the sickness … why want healing? This way of thinking contradicts the teaching of Jesus and the directive He gave His disciples in Matthew.
Matthew 10:1
He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
Heal EVERY disease and sickness.
I am thrilled that my daughter has already witnessed arms and legs grow. She has witnessed pain immediately lift off of people. She will not know what it is like to grow up in the mindset that healing isn’t for everyone.
Do I see people who love Jesus more than life itself deal with sickness? YES!
Do I see everyone healed? NO!
Do I have all of the answers? Unfortunately, no!
But Just as it is God’s Will for us to share His love with others — I believe we are to obedient and pray healing for others (and ourselves).
When I pray for others and I ask them if they feel a difference, I always say, “If not, just tell me. It won’t hurt my feelings.” I don’t feel the pressure because it ISN’T ME. It is totally up the Jesus (Who is The Healer). I am just a willing vessel.
So, back to the man I prayed for yesterday. He was struggling with sciatic nerve pain. Guess what? The pain left him. ALL glory goes to GOD!
I do believe it is God’s Will for us to be healed. Otherwise, why would He have instructed us to lay hands on the sick? Think about it.
Yes, we live in a fallen world. Sin touches us all. It rains on the just and unjust.
When my friend asked me if God gave us sickness to teach us stuff … I shared that what satan means for harm in our lives, God can DEFINITELY USE for His good. But I don’t believe God makes us sick.
Genesis 50:20
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
What is meant to HARM us, God turns around for our good. Hallelujah! I am the poster child of this verse. The enemy tried to steal my sanity, but I had to stand on God’s Word to gain ground. What I had to overcome helped make me who I am today.
Be encouraged.
I have dear friends (and even family) who have prayed for healing and haven’t had it manifest in their lives, YET. Do we stop praying and believing? No.
My purpose in writing this post is to share my thoughts that SICKNESS DOES NOT COME FROM THE LORD. He loves you with an everlasting love.
God bless each of you!
(photo credit: healing hands)
Hi Beth! I agree with you, I think sometimes we as Christians are afraid to ask for healing for many different reasons. It’s unfortunate because I think many people are suffering rather needlessly.
I also believe that sometimes God simply doesn’t intend for someone to be healed. Not because God can’t heal, but because our suffering is for our own good, like in Paul’s case.
I think it’s important to follow the Spirit’s direction when it comes to healing. In 1997 my dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I knew immediately within my spirit that God intended to heal him. I prayed and asked others to pray. By God’s hand what the doctors had said was impossible happened. The doctors had no explanation for his recovery and one of them even said it was a miracle. Many lives were changed and people came to a saving faith in Christ because they heard our story. My dad’s healing served a divine purpose. When my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer again 5 years later again looked to God for direction. This time I knew that my dad would not be healed because he had reached the end of his time here. I again told others how to pray. When he passed from this world to the next there was a profound sense of peace and rightness that covered all of us who knew him. We knew he was ready and we knew that God was with us. It was painful to be sure, but we knew it was God’s plan. Surprisingly, more people came to a saving faith in Christ after his death, so even that served a divine purpose.
I believe that most often God wants to heal us of our pain and would if we asked Him to, there is strong evidence of that. I believe that when God doesn’t heal it’s because He has a specific purpose for the pain. I think that it is foolish to believe that God never heals or that He always heals. He’s God. We are not. Our purpose is to follow Him, not instruct Him or try to bend Him to our wills. That said, even Paul asked and continued to ask for healing until God instructed him to stop asking. I’m sure because of your experience you’ve got a better handle on that balance than I do. I’m new to your site, but already I’m grateful for your stories of experience and instruction.
I do think God wants us to seek Him in all things…and I do struggle with this. I watched my Mom die….her illness was cured..through death. I have also had my own miracle of a healing…that did not lead to death. I believe that God loves us, but I also don’t believe He allows all to be healed and that all things are for His glory…and that while we may not think (in our human minds) something is a blessing because it seems ‘bad’ to us…we can’t always see the good…. So, help me understand…if someone isn’t healed, what are your thoughts there?
In the event others are reading these comments, I have responded to each comment via email. :o)
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. God bless you all!