On this very date last year, my sister and I were meeting at our parent’s house to go on a wig hunt for our mama. At the time, she was bedridden and was stationed right beside of our precious daddy who was now in a state of unconsciousness, though not really. He was dying and was transitioning from this life to the next. However, we had no idea that he was going to die THAT day! It was his 90th birthday — which we had all hoped he would live to see, but not in such agony. We knew he wouldn’t be with us much longer because his health had SUDDENLY declined. He knew he was dying and he was terrified. I cannot describe the pain it created in my heart to see my once strong daddy so dependent on everyone. I felt like I had become the mom of my parents. Ugh … what a horrible feeling!
My last words to my sweet daddy were how much I loved him and that I would see him soon.
We had no way of knowing our mama would die 15 days later. She didn’t give us any indications like daddy. She had been in horrible shape for months and never needed oxygen — so her death shocked us.
I am so glad last year is over for my parents and for the rest of us (though I do miss my parents).
God has done SO MUCH healing in my life since then! I am so grateful!
Truly, I am a different person. I guess last year was a character building year for me.
In honor of my cute little daddy who was a southern gentleman — I thought I’d share one of his MANY “tales” that made me giggle my entire childhood.
I wrote the following post on May 15, 2012:
It is hard to believe that a week ago today my daddy stepped out of his body into glory!
I am a walking testimony of the supernatural peace that we read about in scripture.
Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I am amazed at the level of peace I have. I told my husband last night I almost felt guilty for being so “OK” with the loss of my daddy. I have had confirmation that he is in heaven and I have no regrets. My daddy knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I loved him. Many times I held his hand and cried, telling him that I wish I could do more. He knew my heart.
This picture is of me holding Daddy’s hand two days before he died. When this picture was taken, he was struggling. He was squeezing my hand — hanging onto life with all he had. Now he has a beautiful new body, completely whole.
Even Christians have been surprised by the level of peace I have. It really is well with my soul. I am physically tired from being on the go so much I suppose (and eating nothing but fattening, sugary foods), but emotionally — God has me.
Be anxious for nothing … pray (talk) with the Lord.
Yet AGAIN I have found another scripture that came to pass as God said it would. God’s Word is true!
Some of you may have missed what I shared about a vision the morning my daddy crossed over into heaven, so I thought I’d share again. I hope this brings comfort to those of you who have lost a loved one who has confessed Jesus as Lord.
My friend Katherine (of over 20+ years) was praying for my daddy the morning he died. At 6am, she knew he was going to leave for heaven that day — on his 90th birthday. After praying, Katherine saw a vision that she knew she had to share with me.
Let me preface this by saying that our prayer coordinator told me the Sunday BEFORE daddy died that God was going to have something for me that would bring me great comfort when daddy died. This vision was the “something” that God gave me.
I asked my friend to attempt to draw the vision she saw. She said it was mostly WHITE and BRIGHT so it was hard to place on paper, but this is what she gave me.
First, she saw Jesus carrying daddy. He was weak and limp. At the top, Katherine saw the light of glory coming from the face of Jesus. She didn’t see His face, but knew it was Him carrying daddy. The swirling at the bottom of the picture is the glory of the Lord.
In this second picture, Jesus had placed daddy between two strong angels. The angels held daddy under his arms. As he stood on his own two feet, daddy began to straighten up and grow stronger. The past few years daddy’s back became slumped over, but in the vision she saw daddy stand tall. Once daddy was whole again, he was ushered towards the gates of heaven.
She said daddy had on a simple white seamless robe that rested right above his feet. He was glowing — even his hair.
I pray this encourages you. No matter what, God’s Word is TRUE. Heaven is real. There is a realm around us that we do not see with our natural eyes.
There is peace that no human can understand. It is God-given. I am thankful!
God bless you all!