Wow what a week! I won’t bore you with the details, but the attacks have been at a new level. However, it has definitely placed many of you on my heart to cover in prayer (so what satan meant for harm, God used for good).
I was also reminded of this very important scripture:
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I have shared this before, but it is worth repeating. Last year I heard the testimony of a man who could see in the spirit realm. God opened his eyes for a few days to see things that he wouldn’t normally see in the natural realm. This man saw that THOUGHTS put off an aroma. Yes, that is right. He said that when people concentrated on hatred, jealousy, bitterness, etc … the aroma those thoughts produced drew demonic activity into their lives. He said the demons smelled that aroma and were drawn to it like sharks to blood. That certainly gives you a visual of the saying “STINKIN’ THINKIN'” doesn’t it? He also witnessed people who had holy, pure, good thoughts. They also had an aroma coming from their thoughts, but these drew holy angelic activity.
Now, this past week, I my thoughts were BOMBARDED. Before I knew it, I was entertaining the thoughts of fear the devil had placed in my mind.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
To show how quickly our thoughts cause a ripple effect in the natural — the MOMENT I THOUGHT about something, it would happen in my body. I don’t want to give the devil glory by telling you about my actual attack, but I could physically feel the “dart” the SECOND I started to entertain the thought.
Friends, THIS IS NO different than it was YEARS ago when I had panic attacks. The devil would plant the thought that I was going to have an attack. I would begin to think, “Oh no, I’m going to have an attack! I’m going to have an attack!” Then my heart would race and my breathing would increase and before I knew it, I had talked myself into a full blown attack.
This is a different type of attack, but an attack none the less! It is ticking me off really, but I am expecting VICTORY and BREAKTHROUGH!
I am praying for Ron (and his family), Denise, Eddie, and others. God has had you before my mind.
1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Good word, Beth. We are in a spiritual battle to be sure. I agree, this last week that battle was strong. But our God is stronger!
Stand firm, sweet friend and remember: The battle belongs to the LORD! You are HIS faithful servant.
Praying for you,
I'll be praying for you this week! I know you have for me in the past and God does give us the victory:)
God greatly bless you my warrior sister, praying for you. Thank you so much for lifting me and eddie up in prayer. I love you so very much.
Beth, We bind that enemy, in the name of Jesus. Blessings, sweet friend~
I sure know what you are talking about!
Since my prayer life has gotten stronger the devil is working overtime.
"I am expecting VICTORY and BREAKTHROUGH!" Amen to that!
love and hugs~Tammy
We wrestle is not against flesh and blood…Hang in there, there is a break through coming soon! You are victorious through Christ!
Praying for you Sis and praising God for the victory!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts…praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen ((Hugs)) Love ya!!
very powerful words sister..thanks for sharing…God bless you always
Thanks for sharing this. We all know the moment we said "yes" to Jesus, we are in a battle. But some of us don't know how to. We must dig deeper into His Word and through prayers. We battle with His might and power. To God be the glory! May God bless you and protect you.
What a blessing to know that there is victory in the Lord. The chains are gone, we've been set free, as the song says.
The enemy will attack us with fear, and we need to respond with faith, as you are doing. It is our shield. We fix our thoughts on truth, not speculation and not fear.
Just as we "trained" our minds to fear and anxious thoughts, we can train our minds to faith and trust, with His help. Praying for you, sis!
Oh girl,,you have shared my 2010 scriptures..Philippians 4:4-8 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 are my verses this year…and how they have ministered to me…
This was an awesome devotional..the 'aroma' part REALLY spoke to me. I KNEW about the stinkin thinking, and have had much breakthrough with it, but the aroma,,shark bait, well that REALLY just confirms to me that I can't let one 'drop of blood' will attract those 'sharks'..
Thanks so much for sharing this. Will be doing the same with others around me you struggle with stinkin ya tons and tons.
I've had three hard days…very hard days and I know it's the thoughts that are consuming me and taking over…allowing the negative, the impossibles, the fears to override God's power to do, be, heal, conquer ANYTHING. But it's so hard when the flesh and the eye seens nothing.
Stinkin' thinkin'….
Amen, Beth! We are already victorious through Jesus!!
Can I ever relate to this. Thank you for sharing.
It is so true that our battles are fought in our mind. But they are won as we surrender. And we will surrender to either the lies or the Truth. And our outcome will either be victory or defeat. Victory comes as we surrender our thoughts to His Truth. Amen!