One more month to go and I’ll be able to visit you all! I really do miss you!
I wish I could share everything openly on here, but I have to shout a little! God is doing some awesome things on our farm! Ok, that sounds like an oxymoron statement — OF COURSE GOD is doing awesome things! What else COULD He do?
Saturday my husband started chatting with a lady who is a single Mom with two beautiful adopted children. He introduced her to me and we were able to share and talk about the Lord. Later she told me her back was hurting (yep, ANOTHER back testimony). I said, “Ok, where is it hurting?” She pointed and I said, “I curse that pain in Jesus’ Name.” Then I asked her how she felt. She moved around and said, “It is stiff.” I said, “Ok, I curse that stiffness in Jesus’ Name.” Her eyes opened wide and so did her mouth. She was shocked when the pain immediately left. She said, “How did you do that?!?!?” AND I SAID, “IT WASN’T ME — IT WAS GOD! THANK JESUS FOR YOUR HEALING.” Hallelujah! It was that simple. To God be ALL of the glory!
We had another God-encounter yesterday and I can hardly wait to see what He is going to do next.
1 Corinthians 2:9
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.
On another note, we are getting some MUCH needed rain in NC. Even now I hear the rain coming down and I LOVE IT. Thank You Father! We desperately needed this rain (you can tell from the picture above).
Just in case you needed to know this: GOD LOVES YOU! He has NEVER left you — NEVER forsaken you! He sent His Son to die for you. Jesus has made a way for you! There is ALWAYS hope!
Good morning, friend! Awesome report! We are so glad to see and hear the rain. Andrew and I have been going around saying "Thank you Jesus for the rain" ever since it started. I'm hoping that we'll be able to make it out maybe Oct. 9th but we'll see.
I LOVE it! God is really on the move through His people. I'm convineced He's been waiting for us to believe so He could show off His love & power. Love you!!!
Wonderful testimonies….isn't that what He wants us to do, testify to His greatness? Thanks for testifying today!!
Good on you Mrs.Hit the pain on the head with the Word. Amen.
Praying for you!!
Glory be to God for His healing!!! That was an awesome testimony of His ever faithful love and presence! God bless you sister and praying for His protection to always cover you and your family.
I love hearing this testimony sis.
What a wonderful testimony, Beth! POWERFUL! We got lots of rain yesteday and all I kept saying was, "Thank you, Lord!":)
I love how you can't help but share Jesus with others you encounter. God gifted you with an awesome personality Beth. Jesus in you keeps spilling out onto others. I love that.
Blessings and love,
Hi Beth,
Amen!!! Wonderful testimony.
I love and needed to hear particulary the last paragraph of your post!!
Have a great day and look forward to when you are back.
Blessings and hugs