Are any of you concerned about the possibilities of what could happen in Egypt?  I definitely feel uneasy about it all.  

Sunday morning during intercessory prayer, a lady was praising God for the removal of the Egyptian president, but I must say — we don’t have a victory just yet.  I definitely want the Egyptians to have FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY — don’t misinterpret my comment about victory.  But what about the Muslim extremists and the “Brotherhood” that are fighting for power?

My friend recently sent this video to me.  He believes it is an anomaly, but perhaps a prophetic shadow that is timely.  See this image?  It showed up in a video in Cairo.  

The editors of published this and suggested that it may be the “Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.”  Photo courtesy of

You have to admit, it is interesting.  I have never seen the light reflect a horseman (a green pale horseman at that) on my camera lens.  Have you?  If you watch the video, the horseman rides off into and over the crowd then vanishes.  Yes, it could have been some type of reflection on the lens, but interesting. 

Here is the video if you would like to watch it.  Very short – less than 2 minutes:

Back to the current unrest in Egypt.  Have any of you tried to follow the hashtag #Egypt on Tweetdeck?  It is moving non-stop!

We need to be in prayer about the next steps that happen in their leadership.  Will this be a person who will protect Israel?  Will Egypt continue to be allies with America?  (Read Isaiah 19 when you have time.)

I decided to search for some information concerning the Shariah law.  Here is a statement I borrowed:

The historical pattern of Islam shows us that when a nation gains a sufficiently large Muslim population, they will begin to agitate for Shariah to be implemented. Shariah is the primary source of persecution for Christians in Muslim dominated states.

Statement taken from this link.  CLICK HERE

Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters located in Egypt, but also for this situation as it unfolds.
I know this isn’t like my normal posts, but I wanted to share what was on my heart this morning.