Hi Friends. My heart has been really heavy for my parents this weekend. For those who know my parents personally, please don’t talk with them about my post. This is my little release valve as I process my feelings. Thank you.
My precious Daddy didn’t have such a great doctor’s appointment on Thursday morning. His PSA is steadily climbing among other things. I don’t want to lay all of his personal details out for the world to see, but this daughter is really sad for her parents.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” (English majors, excuse this ghost quote.)
They certainly never anticipated their winter years to look like this. I wish I could make things better for them.
I can only imagine how they feel.
My Aunt Jane once told me that growing old wasn’t for sissies. Isn’t that sad, but true? I pray God will give me wisdom how to help them yet still have a life too.
Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.
I’m sure most of you can identify, but I keep giving this burden to the Lord AND picking it right back up as my own again.
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Please pray that my siblings and I will have supernatural mercy, grace, and strength while dealing with my precious parents. I don’t want any of us to have any regrets one day.
Oh, Beth. I am so sorry. I understand. My parents are not in the best of health themselves. This time in our lives can just be so "heavy", can't it? I am praying for you…
Beth I am most definitely praying for you, your siblings, and your parents.
I know what you are feeling, I've been there.
You want to be there for your parents and your family. God knows all your emotions and your heart, trust Him. He will give you everything you need during this season of life.
I'll be praying,
I know the feeling you are having Beth as do so many others here, I know you feel as though you keep picking it as your own as you said, just always remember that you are not doing this alone, God is right by your side bearing the weight with you and only asking for your faith in him to get through this. I know your faith is already so very strong so just continue to believe in that and know all will be ok in his name. I will be praying for you and yours.
As you asked I am absolutely praying and more…
"Please pray that my siblings and I will have supernatural mercy, grace, and strength while dealing with my precious parents. I don't want any of us to have any regrets one day."
Blessings and love.
I will be praying Beth for your sweet parents and your family members.
Been there before and it's not easy…But God had been there for us, too and His wonderful promises are true. He truly doesn't leave us nor forsake us. Praying with you…God bless you sister and have a great weekend.
You know, Beth, I feel as though this life we live is not for sissies! There are most certainly some tough…very tough days in many of our lives.
I am storming the heavens with you on behalf of your parents, you, and your siblings. I know the needs may seem overwhelming, but HE will once again be faithful to meet you in the midst of this storm and walk with you every step of the way.
Blessings, hugs, love, and prayers, andrea
I can also relate. It's tough to watch our parents grow older, losing their health and their independence!
I walk a fine line with them, wanting to help them, but not wanting to insult them or embarrass them by stepping on their toes.
I will be praying for your parents AND for you!
Beth, your post breaks my heart and brings back painful memories…both of my parents have been gone for over 25 years, yet it is as like a day ago. My dad went rather suddenly, but my mom didn't. Having to leave my young children home with hubby, it was difficult for me to stay there for more than a day or two, so I traveled there and back many times. I hear you say that you don't want to have any regrets. No matter how much you do, there will be some. I can think of a thousand things I could have done different, better, more. Just as it is with our children, we are called upon to sacrifice our own desires for their needs, and we do it without thought or hesitation, but when it comes to aging parents, it seems daunting. What is God's plan in this? I don't know, except His commandement to honor them. I do know that if my mom were here today, and I had this to do over again, I would have prayed more for God's guidance, His patience, and His compassion…I do have regret, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You and your siblings will, with God's strength, do whatever He calls upon you to do. He loves them as much as you do,and He is ultimately their source and their comfort. Praying for you, my sister.
God bless,
Sweet sis, I continue to lift your precious parents up in my prayers. My heart hurts for all of you, I love you.
Beth, I've traveled this road, and still continue with one parent remaining. It's so difficult to be the child and yet need to also guide them at times. They need their dignity and want their freedom, and yet they also need us.
Do you have any elder care websites bookmarked? I have several if you are interested. Just let me know.
"No regrets" is an excellent thing to pray for.
I am praying for you all.
You are loved.
Beth, it's very hard to see your parents age and become more frail. My mom was so vibrant and full of life, always telling jokes and learning new skills. But as her back pain worsened requiring a pump to be inserted into her spine to give her constant medication and then her Addison's disease acted up with all the stress, she steadily became more fragile.
It was so hard to see this happen. My mom used to work with medical doctos full time and really gave me my work ethic by example. She was always taking dance lessons or involved in folk dancing in the Sons of Norway. She loved gardening and riding horses. And she even did modeling for magazines and TV commercials when she was in her 50s and 60s in Florida. But the last time I saw her she had gone downhill so fast. Inside I cried but then she cried with me. I was the last person she said a word to before she died and it was on the phone as my dad held it up to her ear. She told me she loved me and I told her that I loved her too.
No matter what goes on with your parents Beth, tell them you love them. You don't want any regrets. And ask you siblings for help. Sometimes one daughter tends to take on most of the caregiving if needed but it really should be shared.
Please know that you can email me any specific questions Beth.
Love you,
I can't imagine what you are all going through, Beth. I pray for wisdom and strength and compassion for all involved.
God brings your parents to my heart many times Beth…and I pray….I pray for you and your siblings also..((hugs))
I do understand–my parents are going through the same thing. You are one awesome daughter to feel as you do and want so much for them! I pray they are blessed over and over.
Praying for you and your family right now.
Praying for your family!
Lord, i pray for your grace, wisdom and strength to be upon beth and her siblings. i also pray for her parents. Father, please guide them and protect them. we know that you are a faithful God and you will make a way to fix whatever is broken. Lord, i pray for peace, joy and strength for beth's parents. you know what is best and i'm sure you're giving them the best. thank you, Lord. in Jesus' name, amen.