I suppose God was warning me of the day I would have when I used this scripture this morning on another post that is coming up soon.
I broke my “break” fast (remember the Fast-5 plan I was on in the beginning of the year?) first thing this morning! I had some left-over homemade potato salad and the lure was stronger than my will.
Romans 7:18b-19
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.
I won’t even tell you the amount of calories I ate today! And yes, one of the delicious “mini” blizzards found its way into my tummy! Wow, was this scripture prophetic or what?!?!? (I am writing this post Tuesday evening. WEDNESDAY will be a better “food” day.)
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Beth, I actually joined a gym for one month and have been exercising for 40 minutes on the treadmill. And then I saw a commercial for mini DQ's. I was salivating. I hate that. I never used to care about sweets but with stress ice cream has become my biggest temptation. Gluttony has no place in my life. Thanks for the reminder as I need to get into a dress for my niece's wedding in three weeks.
Love and hugs,
Hello Beth!
Aren't we all glad that our Lord's mercies are new every morning! I just love that aspect about our God; that "new mercies" part!
Love ya sister,
In Christ, Pat
Truly is hard to avoid "ice cream" especially now that it's hot! I've been eating ice cream for 2 days in a row now to keep me cool while waiting for my child to come out from his classes. Excuses? Yes! [I got the airconditioning running anyway]…Working out? yes…unfortunately with my mouth 🙁 Take care sister and God bless.
Awesome reminder.
Great post and scripture Beth! I am not sure what the blizzard things are though LOL. Don't have them here! Maybe I should be thankful haha.
Bless you sister!
Bethie thank you for sharing along with the scripture. Blessings to you dear one. So, did you ever find out what was walking in your attic? Blessings and hugs.
Your photo really stands out Beth. As Pat said thank God for new mercies.
My precious sister,
While our temptations are different (mine being 50% less sodium chips, chicken wings and ranch dressing); it's still a battle some days isn't it? Between hormone changes and life it can get overwhelming.
I often say, two steps forward, 8 steps back but I have really began to release the need to "snack" to the LORD. I don't talk about or focus on the weight or weight loss as much any more. I power walk, use my Leslie Sansone DVD's, deal with my menopause through natural ways and remove the focus from the eating and put it back on GOD. I am finding this is what I needed to do. The more I talked about it the more I snacked. I'm in a different place now and Galatians 5:1 in the revised edition of Breaking Free is helping me greatly!
I love you and I'm praying for you.
It doesn't help that the Dairy Queen place is just down from your house either. But atleast you had the mini size. Half the calories of a regular size?
oh bother I lost my waffle………
I love that verse ..it is so devastatingly true
Australia is free of blizzard…so that will not tempt me, nor anything sweet……But a plain Vegemite or cheese sandwich to eat with a book in bed is my downfall.
There is now something called Cheezymite which is even more tempting on Chia bread. Bread made with Chia seeds….healthy stuff.
But not meant to be eaten at bedtime.
I came back to say the post written today and the previous one on this blog is very good. I found some nuggets of wisdom for myself. Maybe it will encourage you too sis! Love ya!
Take a look: http://lysaterkeurst.com/
Yes we are spared the blizzard here in Australia………but the one that gets me is a vegimite or cheese sandwich with a book when I get into bed,
I can starve all day…..yes I know that is not good but can be busy and forget all about food for an entire day but the bed bugs get me at night.
Sometimes we have victory.
That verse is so darn true.
Found the original after all
Great picture and the verse a great reminder.
oooh my…. (nuff said)
for me…ya' gotta be kidding…
Amen & blessings my sweetest Beth…
I think I have a craving for a DQ!
And luck have it, this Mexican town has one in the middle of the tourist side, which I live a ways from but it may be worth the trip… (naw)
Great WORD! Wonderful application but yielding is where I need to be on my knees, repenting or admitting that well, we all struggle with something…(me, it's Dr. Pepper)
I just can't believe with all your hard work… you'd give in and "break" fast… just LOVE this! (not really) but here's another Roman verse to keep us in line and remind us…after all "we all have sinned and fall short of God's glory" but we can't just give in.
He's got our VICTORY and we will run the good race…
(told ya' I couldn't leave with just that little bit) Love ya'
(((hugs))) Peggy (I gotta make plans to get to DQ this week (lol)
Love the picture for the verse! We all don't do what we should – whether it is eating right or reading the Bible. But God loves us and I am thankful for His mercies! Thanks for sharing a great Word!
Blessings to you today!
Thanks for that WFW, Beth. I'm sure you do enough exercise to take care of it. Blessings ~
ah yessss that gluttony.. i have indulged but trying to stay on track myself! thanks for the reminder!
I struggle so much, this verse is so me. I am so thankful for forgiveness!
Such an honest, repentant post. It's a struggle, I know. Just start over again tomorrow. God bless you, sister.