I’m in a generous mood so I’m hosting a GIVE AWAY! No reason other than I just visited my friend Tara’s new business Pink Polka Dot and I loved what I saw. Ok, in all fairness — I know someone else helps her, but Tara is my friend and it was at her house. :o)

So here is the deal. I am going to show you some of her items on this post. If you are interested in winning one of these, just leave me a comment stating that you’re interested! In a few days I’ll do the “random.org” process and announce the winner. (I’ll have to limit this to the USA & Canada — sorry to my other buddies.) The winner can choose the prize he/she wants and have the item monogrammed. (I don’t know many guys who like this kind of stuff, but your wife, daughter, sister, or friend would love it.)


Cloth BasketCoolers

She also has some REALLY CUTE PINK POLKA DOTTED coolers with lime green handles!!! I don’t have a picture on here, but if you’re interested, let me know.

Nice sized tote bag

Monogrammed beach towels or bathing suit cover-up.
Garden shoes.
More coolers

Monogrammed letters for your walls or “sayings” such as in this picture “Blessings” … these are removable. I love the idea of these wall letters! I placed vinyl butterflies on my daughter’s walls and they are so easy to place on and remove.