She is bold and intrusive.
She follows us everywhere we go …
At suppertime she is there.
At church, she is there.
During family time, she is there.
Nothing is considered sacred to her. She hates family-time and does whatever she can to push herself to the forefront.
You would think traveling away from home would push her back, but no — she is everywhere we go.
She even sleeps in our room!
A true mistress.
She tricks her lovers into believing she helps with communication, but she actually BLOCKS communication — TRUE communication.
She steals … a sneaky thief.
I bet she is in your life too.
Does she take the form of a smart phone in your family? A lap top?
Social networking is great, but when it consumes our lives it a seductive mistress. It consumes time that is better spent with loved ones.
How many of you are reading this right now with your family members staring into their own devices? Some evenings I look up and each one of us are staring into a screen. It is ridiculous.
Trust me, I love technology! I love social media and I love having a smart phone! There is a “but” though … Since when did we as a society decide we must ALWAYS be reached in real time? Will the world come to an end if we miss a call or a text? People don’t hesitate to text in the middle of the night or call during meal times.
When we have attempted to leave town, we don’t actually get away. Everyone comes with us and stays connected via phone.
Off balance for sure.
True communication comes from spending time with others and cultivating relationships.
How much family-time has been stolen?
I would like to challenge you to turn off the devices each night and spend true time with your family. How would your life change/improve?
We are supposed to talk with our children about the scriptures. Isn’t it just like the enemy to steal our time and distract us?
Deuteronomy 11:19
You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
I don’t know about you, but I am ready to kick the mistress to the curb! Too much time has been stolen.
I read this to Randy. We laughed because Jacob, Randy & I had our phones in hand as I was reading. This is so true & we’re all guilty.
Oh I hear you. I have a love/hate relationship with my smartphone and computer. There is so much good that can be done with them, but when they take you away from those that truly matter, there isn’t anything good about them.
I agree – I have been accused of reading too much on my Kindle at night, while my hubby watches t.v. in another room…meanwhile, the kids are in their own rooms playing video games – Lord help us!!! #convicted