I am joining Glenys at the Well to discuss how we can protect our children from the values of the world around us. She gave the examples of the violence and sex on TV, the nudity on magazines in the grocery stores, the pro-homosexual shows that suggest that a lifestyle outside of a heterosexual relationship is the norm, etc …
The following questions were presented to us:
How important do you feel sheltering your children is?
What sort of things do you do to put protections in place for your children to shield them from the worldly influences around them?
Do you feel we have become to accepting of the world’s behaviors and have accepted things as “normal” even for Christians?
Unfortunately, we can’t protect our children from LIFE, but I do believe while they are young we can protect their formative years in many ways. My daughter probably watches too much TV, I admit it (waaaaaaaa), but she only watches shows appropriate for her age like the Noggin Network, and our Public Broadcasting Network that has educational cartoons. She also LOVES Veggie Tales, but lately she has REALLY gotten into the Disney Princesses. This was before she EVER saw one movie. She just loved the princesses because they were princesses. She is a girl ya know.
It wasn’t long after her fascination with Disney began that she was given a princess movie. Before that movie entered our house, I didn’t allow her to watch anything that had to do with magic (other than Dora the Explorer which I was CONSTANTLY having to explain that only GOD has true power, not witches, no magicians, etc …). Of course it seems like all of the Princess movies are about an evil witch who tries to cast a spell. Even though my daughter knows that this is pretend, I feel like I have lowered my standards just so she could enjoy the princess stories. Before, I would have never allowed anything in my house that had evil or witches in/on it. Yep you’ve got it — no Harry Potter here — sorry. I have a lot of friends/acquaintances that think he is fine, but I’ve never had that understanding. Shoot, I feel convicted about having this Princess mess in my home. Mercy.
For those who might think I am over protective over this whole “magic/witch” thing, I’ll quickly explain why I feel this way. I grew up watching Bewitched. That show made being a witch look like so much fun! So of course, I wanted to be a witch as a child. Did I ever go down the path of seeking to become a Wiccan witch? NO, thank God! But I did try a few spells, etc … as a young child. I opened doors that took years to close. Witchcraft is real and it is an abomination to God. I don’t want my daughter ever believing that there are “good” witches. People are good, witchcraft isn’t. God loves the people, but hates the sin. Ok, moving on.
Have you been to your local mall lately? Some of the advertisements on the wall of the stores geared towards teens are nothing but soft porn. I forced myself to purchased some Christmas presents in one of those stores last year for some of my nieces/nephews because I knew the clothing was popular. But it really disturbed me to stand under the picture of a mostly naked guy and girl. (Not to mention that the perfume they put in their air vents almost gagged me.) Thankfully my daughter wasn’t with me. But what was I saying by purchasing gifts from there? That I agree with their advertising and message. Argh! Kicking self here.
The slant of this world is easily seen if you look at the facebook or myspace profiles of most of the teens (even those who confess Christianity). They post provocative pictures, use profanity, etc …
So, yes. I think that even as Christians sometimes our lines of black and white have been smeared to gray. I hate to even admit that. Over time, media does seem to remove the shock value because we get so accustomed to seeing it. So true. God have mercy.
Father, please give us a heart of NO COMPROMISE and help us to be more LIKE YOU.
I don’t know about you, but I feel convicted. Sigh.
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I have the same exact feeling as you about the witchs thing. I do not do Harry Potter nor anything that has witch craft in it. I often tell my children that Satan has powers too…they are just meant for evil. It is our job to protect them. I totally hear ya!
I'm right there with ya. I'm trying to guide their little hearts now and train them up for when I do have to send them out.
No "Harry Potter" in our house, either. My kids (at home) are 9, 12, and 17… and they watch a lot of fictional stuff, but still not the Harry Potter… because to me, Witchcraft is REAL, not fictional. I have been a very protective Mom and not a lot agree with me, but I don't care. These are MY KIDS and I have to trust MY GUT, nobody elses. They are MY responsibility given by God, so I trust my instincts and know that God has us in His hands. =0)
I grew up watching Bewitched also and now realize the dangers of portraying evil in a fun or inviting light. I also understand the mall scenes and realize how the slant of the world is so easily seen and accepted. I love your prayer – no compromise and may our motives and actions truly be like Him.
Even with my son's video games, we are careful what we get for him. One time, he prayed and asked for discernment after having nightmares from playing one particular game. He picked as if he knew what to get [thanks be to God] and in tears, asked for the Lord to forgive him [he was 10yrs.old at that time] and we smashed those games and ended up in our trash. Ever since, no more nightmares. Some people make fun and will think we are exaggerating but I think the Lord will not warn us if they are not dangerous.
I'd rather be laughed at than grieve the One Who is always faithful to us. Great thought provoking post! God bless. Have a nice day sister!
Hi Friend,
I so share your conviction. Because of my son's situation (lives with his dad half of the time), I have not always been able to guard him as I would have liked. However, I've always prayed that GOD would shield him when I can't.
After reading about your trip to the mall and shopping in some of the teenage hot spots (which I've done for present buying too), I see that I should pray for God to shield ME and convict me when I'm doing something that is not of Him.
I've found when I'm in His word and about His business, it's easier to draw the line… Funny thing,though, the minute I've been busy or stressed, the "old" me comes to the surface very quickly…
Anyway, this was a great thought provoking post!
Love, Connie
No Harry Potter in the Rose Household either. My kids don't even care to watch or read them. I am so glad. That is one battle the Lord has fought for me that I have presently experienced the victory in.
I hate compromise. We are not supposed to blend in, we are supposed to stand out! We represent a Heavenly Kingdom, one that reigns in Righteousness! Amen!
I agree with you completely my friend. We have to watch what we allow in ourselves and our children. It is a fine line sometimes. We have to be in continual prayer and keep ever watchful.
Thank you for taking a stand my friend! May God bless your efforts!
I agree w/ you 100% and more, my friend!!! We've NEVER allowed Harry Potter in our home, and our kids understand why. We told them witchcraft is real, it's not "make believe." But, besides that, yes, we are careful of what they watch, who they spend there time with, and what they are looking at on the computer. There are ways that the enemy tries to sneak things into our homes, or even try to tempt our kids w/ other things. We have to be on top of that, and ensure they are grounded in their walk w/ the Lord!
But, like you, I've let some things slide w/ things, like Disney, and even some PG-13 movies. It's so hard sometimes!!!
Amen and Amen to what you shared with us today. I went alittle bit of a different direction on my ATW post today, but I had to comment on your post because I totally agree that we, as Christians have become too relaxed in our stand on things. But this is not JUST with our kids and what we allow them to watch … what about what mom and dad are watching and seeing at the movie theatre. We have always had a rule in our house … no R rated movies, no matter what the age of our kids. In order to implement this rule, my husband and I refrain from seeing R rated movies as well. I remember when my oldest son became of age (and still lived at home) he announced that he was old enough to see a R rated movie and we said "not while you live under our roof"! -blessings, Laurie
Beth, I agree with you and the other commenters above me. Though I don't have to worry about this just yet, I am starting to really pay attention to what WE watch because Andrew is really catching on. I don't want to be the stumbling block for my child in any way.
you are so right we hold them in our protective arms for just a short period of time so we need to share with them all they need to know in life in just a short period of time.
You are correct in being protective. My boys are constantly battling me for more freedom…but I don't have to worry about them wanting "skull" clothing. If you move the boundary marker on this…it is a slippery slope. Trust me…it's hard to take back lost ground then it is to STAND on God's firm ground…from a mom who knows. Blessings.
I totally agree with you sweetie.
I agree with you wholeheartedly! This is a subject that is very close to my heart. I have had to constantly defend my stance on certain things like 'no Harry Potter'. In fact, I had to go to my daughter's elementary school several years ago and insist she not be made to 'listen' as the teacher read this out loud to the entire class! This was a rough battle but they finally gave in and gave her another project to work on. The sad thing is, if my daughter had not already known that Harry Potter was not allowed in our home, I may have never known they were doing this at school! My daughter came home upset and told me the teacher was reading it. She said she tried to tell the teacher she was not allowed to read it but the teacher would not listen to her. UUGGHHH!! So, if you have children in public schools, you need to be constantly aware of what they are reading and viewing inside the classroom. Ask lots and lots of questions!
My husband and I also made a covenant with the Lord many years ago to never watch rated R movies. We don't go to them at the theater or rent them on video. This is for two reasons. 1) It helps protects our hearts and minds and 2) it keeps our money from supporting the garbage that is produced in Hollywood. Our daughters, who are now either grown or almost grown, know this and we pray they will make this same covenant themselves and with their spouses when they are married. BTW, we are also very careful with the PG-13 movies we see. Those are sometimes as bad as the R movies. It is very sad!
Thanks for writing about this topic. I wish I had seen it the other day!
Teresa <><
A link to the story of why I blog:
I totally understand where you are coming from. I refuse to shop in certain stores because of what I see before entering them… and some even cause me to feel shivers… you know… the 'red flag' so to speak… upon entering them. I refuse to go there. And as for princess movies, I understand that too. My parents didn't let us watch much at all because of the 'evil' magic and witchcraft and such within them. As we got older, we were to discuss what we were seeing in those movies. I completely understood that those things were wrong, only God had the power, that magic was of Satan, etc. It was fun to watch, but that was it. We were to understand that it was all make believe, etc. Sometimes we could even make parallels to Christianity (think Sleeping Beauty).
I think what you are doing is great. And I don't want Harry Potter in our house either. 🙂
You know I don't have children but still I feel so much the same way as you. I have never watched or read Harry Potter. I also can't get into this vampire stuff that's going around now. Ughh! Sometimes I feel like I am so alone in the way I feel. I was raised to believe some things just "aren't alright". Around me I seem to be abnormal in my beliefs. I don't play the lottery because I was taught gambling is wrong. I don't have tattoos because I was taught marking your temple is a BIG no no. But yet some of my Christian friends are the complete opposite in these beliefs. I just stick to my beliefs and how I was raised and I figure I'll be ok. This was a great post and I really needed to read it!