For someone who doesn’t work outside of the home anymore (and by the looks of it – I don’t work IN the home right now), I sure do stay busy.
Our Princess started her second summer of swim lessons yesterday! This year we have “one on one” lessons versus the group thing.
After the swim lesson I thought I’d surprise my Mom with a delicious chocolate milkshake from Chick-fil-a! If you don’t have a Chick-fil-a in your town … I’m sorry. Those shakes are way too good. Ok, getting off track in the sea of chocolate dreams, waves of chocolate deliciousness … sigh….
So — I walk into my Mom’s rehab room to hear, “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow at the hospital.” Uh, ok … nothing like NO NOTICE to find a sitter for Princess! NOBODY called to tell me. (Good thing I decided to stop by there.) After asking several people at the nurses station (none of them wanting to look me in the eye which really bugged me), I finally got the time the rehab was going to “transfer” my Mom. Friends, finding out information was like trying to pull hen’s teeth. (Have you ever looked in a hen’s mouth?) I didn’t know what was going on and I’m not too sure I fully grasp it now. I was getting extremely frustrated. (Ha, look of “uh!” below)
My Mom finally had the idea to call the hospital. By the grace of God I found someone who knew Mama’s schedule and not only does she have ONE visit, but THREE today! She will be in a wheelchair most of the day (and my sister and I will be there with her) which is pitiful! Ok, enough ranting and whining. Grace, grace, grace … I pray God will give my Mom strength.
I came home long enough to get my breath then it was off to church for our second night of healing with Joan Fitzgerald.
That would be my sweet sister-in-Christ Holly on the floor while Joan explains the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to the children who came last night.
Here is Princess praying for another little boy.
Joan is at home in our church — so don’t pay much attention to those beautiful bare feet. :o) The adults were touched last night as well.
If you are local, tonight is the last night of the healing services this week. We will meet in the sanctuary tonight at 7pm. Contact me if you want more information.
Oh, and while I’m talking to the locals. IF you need eggs, PLEASE let me know. These chickens are giving us 2 dozen eggs a day and they need to be enjoyed. Farm fresh eggs. Yum!
(Oh yeah, after not weighing for 3 weeks due to the issues going on with my parents. And deciding that eating hospital food, fattening pizza — tacos and the like — was more important that being concerned about counting points … I finally weighed this week. I had actually gone down a few ounces (SHOCK) and then as of yesterday I had gone down more than another pound. Just keeping you posted.)
Oh, and I just “liked” my own blog on Facebook. So there ya go … another day started. Ha.
Have an awesome day everyone!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
lol….so enjoyed reding this post! Yes! you are one busy lady!
Blessings to you this day, Beth! Hope all goes well with the appts for your mom…
Boy, I am tired just reading your post….You have a lot going on right now…..I pray all goes well with your Mother's dr.'s appointments….
Princess is so cute and looks like she's having fun with her swimming lessons……
Don't forget to breathe, girlfriend…
we just went to a healing prayer service last month in honor of a relative who has cancer (actually for all our relatives who have cancer, but we focused this trip on him) … it was our first.
my brother-inlaw went with and he reluctantly mentioned that his knees were terrible… they prayed over him.
he told us the next day, they were not in pain anymore… I was astonished!
I've never been to a healing prayer service but I know my mom's church does the annointing with oil services. This looks much different or is it kind of similar!
I think we'll put Andrew in swimming lessons next year. I'm in search of lessons where mommy doesn't have to be in the pool with him.
Hope everything goes well with your mom and her appts. Having no notice stresses me out but a lot of times, flexibility is key. Just not my first choice 😉
Looks like Princess is really enjoying her swim lessons!
Sounds like you are staying pretty busy with your Mom! I hope all of her appointments went well!