I always love linking with the Internet Cafe for Word-Filled Wednesday.
Would you like to share a photo and God’s Word with us?
This is a photo of my great-grandparents, Matthew and Roxannah Upchurch. They were married March 8, 1882. In my “Upchurch” family notes, Matthew served on the local school board for many years and Roxannah was active in church and community life. They had seven children — one being my grandmother.
Did these cute old folks know Jesus? I certainly pray they did.
My friend and I were just talking yesterday about mantles from the Lord that could be passed down through generations. I have no doubt that SOMEONE in my family line loved Jesus with all of his/her heart and prayed for the future descendants. Could it have been one of these ancestors in my photo?
I love that God’s plans and purposes stand forever and continue throughout the generations. I do believe that if I don’t fulfill the role He has for me in my lifetime then He will pass any mantle He has for me on to the next generation. Actually, even if I DO fulfill that role, I won’t need a mantle in heaven so it will move on to the next descendant of mine who LOVES Jesus and cries out for more. Have you ever thought of it that way?
Psalm 33:11
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.
I used this picture a long time ago in a WFW, but stumbled upon it again this morning. I hope you enjoy seeing the way they were dressed. I can tell from the photo that great-grandmother Roxannah’s hem is hand sewn. (This house in the background is still standing today and still lived in by renters.)
Have a blessed day and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
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What a great photo! I, too, wonder about my ancestors because “knowing Jesus” wasn’t something they discussed. All were just expected to do their duty and live a good life . . . I’ll guess I’ll find out more about them (one way or another) in Heaven someday . . .
Love old photos like this and what a great verse to go with it! Thank God for parents and grandparents who pray! Not all of us have them, but those who don’t get to start a new family tradition. 🙂
Oh, how precious. I certainly believe our ancestors prayed for their descendants. That’s something I need to do. I you look under my header there is a link to My Family Legacy. Read it if you like. There were 13 in my mother’s family and she was the oldest. I have one uncle still living. There’s a poem written by my great grandmother to the grandchildren of my grandmother.
What a treasure to have that photo! May God continue to bless your family for generations to come.
Such a precious post.
What a treasure to have this photo Beth! And such a perfect Scripture to add. Happy Thanksgiving Beth.
Blessings and love,