I am linking with Alicia at More Than Words to share a picture from the pre-digital days. I remember having this picture taken like it was yesterday. I was in the 5th grade — 10 years old. Even then I was ALL legs.
How do you like that pose? Oh my. And those short shorts?!?!?! What was my Mama thinking? And how about the comb in my back pocket? Ha ha. Gotta love it.
Join Alicia and share some of your old photos. You know you want to do it. :o)
Wow, you go girl, lol
Some of the shorts are shorter now,,LOL…
I remember having my comb in the back pocket,,
Thanks for sharing…
I love it!
Remember you could get combs with sayings on the handle too?
Did you carry this comb with you all the time?
Oh Myyyy I loveee this picture, your sassy self 🙂
Nice….No wonder the hair is neatly-combed…. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend…God bless.
Do you know that I carried a big ol' comb in my back pocket all the time, too? How funny! What I'd give to have legs like that! Wowza!
Oh I remember the Daisy Dukes and the comb in the back pocket and It couldn't be just any comb. LOL
Cute picture.
LOVE it! Woo-hoo! LOL!!! 😉
You go girl!!! You look so shy. HA HA A comb in the back pocket – heck yeah! What a great flashback photo – love it, love it, love it. Have a great weekend ~
omg! comb in the back pocket, lol! i remember that too 🙂 happy friday!
Pretty face is what I see.
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! Have a blessed weekend, Beth!
Look at you, Miss Sassyness!! You are all legs and then some!!
I totally remember the comb in the back pocket!!! LOL.
ok…this one is too cute! You had some serious legginess going on…congrats on your daughter starting pre-school. (tear…). I love this photo!
Beth, this is a great photo of you! So cute you were.
"she likes to work it, work it…" 🙂 I love these flashback pictures! Isn't it so fun to look back and remember clothes, hairstyles etc ?! Such a cute photo.
I remember having a comb in my back pocket! Some of them had words on them like brat or something. Cute photo! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Cute then, cuter now!!!
LOL, what's up with the comb??
Oh we all wore those kind of shorts back then. This pic is just priceless!
You are workin' it, girl! Oh, I confess…I envy those long legs. Mine are so short.
What a great picture!
Blessings and love!
Oh my gosh! Too cute!
That is such a cute picture!
You are so cute!