Psalm 130:3-5
If You, Lord, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?
But with You there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve You.
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in His word I put my hope.

Forgiveness has often been the subject-matter here on my blog.  Anyone who lives on earth will be given the opportunity to offer forgiveness on a daily basis.

I recently shared that we also have to give up our RIGHT to be angry.  Even though someone’s actions might deserve our anger, we have the choice to lay it down.

I am on a journey for complete freedom in all areas.   God has shown His light in certain areas and I am moving forward with what I understand.  One thing that surprised me was the pain I still felt associated with some areas I believed I had forgiven.

Warning:  If you are still emotional over an old wound — IT ISN’T HEALED.

Apparently I was good at burying my hurts … pushing them deeper and deeper into the secret places of my heart.  I didn’t even realize I did it.   I guess it was a coping mechanism I learned from a young age.   My friend and I were discussing this yesterday and she felt I should write letters to each person who has ever hurt me, so I did.

I began each letter:  You hurt me when ….    I poured out all of the feelings from that wound onto the paper.

I ended each letter:  I forgive you.  I choose to forgive you and move forward in my life.   I release you.    Then I burned the pages.   Eleven pages to be exact — front and back.

I really felt I had forgiven everyone who had hurt me.  My will was to forgive them, but I hadn’t dealt with the pain or the emotions behind the pain.   Apparently that is important too.

It was a great exercise and I suggest you do it as well.

So now, I wait upon the Lord.   My whole being waits and I put my hope in His Word.

I am on a mission to remove any blockage that keeps my heart from feeling the unconditional love of my Abba Father.  I want to feel His love washing over me like a waterfall.

Please enjoy this song by Jesus Culture:  Your Love Never Fails:

I am linking with sweet Barbie for her Weekend Brew.   Please visit her by clicking on her button below: