I awakened to the sound of thunder rolling and rain beating against our windows. Ahhh, what a sweet sound.
Our land has been so dry and thirsty!
Rain is such a blessing where there has been lack.
John Waller has revelation about the ancient Jewish tradition of blessing our children.
How many of you received blessings from your parents?
I don’t mean monetary, but spiritual …
I don’t know any adult who wouldn’t have received a parent laying hands on him/her and releasing a blessing. I’d stand in line for that!
Genesis 48:20
So he blessed them that day, saying, “By you Israel will bless, saying, ‘May God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh!’” And thus he set Ephraim before Manasseh.
Here is a simple, sweet, yet powerful song written and sung by John. I hope you enjoy. (For those who receive this post via email, just visit my blog to watch the video.)
For more songs that will encourage you, visit Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders by clicking on the button below:
Are you serious about parents laying hands on us? By the time I was 16, I had been beat to the ground, kicked in the stomach and back, been beat with fist and belts, had bruises all over me, had guns pulled to my head, cocked and loaded, with my mother telling me she was going to KILL me, had glasses broken over my head, with scars on my hand trying to protect myself, and even been beaten in front of my friends experiencing much humiliation. “Laying of hands” by my family had a different meaning…and I am so thankful for the families out there that truly “lay hands on their children.” Thank you for all you do!!! I love ya Girl!!!!!
Oh Pam, I NEVER knew that about your childhood. What haven’t you been through Pam? Girl, I could cry for you. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine having so many wounds to overcome, but praise God you know the HEALER! I’ve had enough wounds and strongholds to overcome. I really can’t imagine. Love you!
Well my friend, I didn’t come from a spotless childhood. I had my share of issues — just not physical abuse. But yes, compared to what you’ve endured, my bondage seems light. I could say of you, “At least you could live a normal life and be free to come and go.” I spent so much of my adult life paralyzed with fear. I can look at you and envy how fit and thin you are. You can wear such cute clothes and buy clothes wherever and always look cute. The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. Love you! Thanks for sharing your heart Pam. And I’m glad you don’t hate me. :o)
John Waller’s songs and testimony have really ministered to me! Thanks for sharing this beautiful song.
I’m glad you like him too! I love his song, “Our God Reigns!” and I saw his testimony on Sid Roth. Love it!
Beth, what is funny is I came from a very hard background and am one of those hard core women that would hate women like you, because of jealousy and envy of your life. However, because of what Jesus has done in my heart I am appreciative of women like you. Very much so. I can’t change who I am, and my TRUE walk with Christ is years behind you, however..just by me loving you and being appreciative of what you do is proof that Jesus has changed my heart! Coming to know Jesus takes baby steps..it is NOT religion, laws and rules, it is coming to know we are truly loved by him, even if others DON’T love us. Thank you Beth, you are my friend….Pam
You have had a lot to walk through Pam. Stuff that most women only hear about. What a ministry! The possibilities are endless. There is healing in Him and He will complete the work He began in you. Love you Pam.
Thank you for posting this song.
I like it.
You’re welcome! I’m glad you like it Michelle.
This song is so powerfull every time i hear it!
Have an great and blessed weekend
You too Bernice! Many blessings!
What a wonderful song. I’m listening while I’m cooking. We’re going to my hubby’s reunion party. Oh Joy! Well, it could be nice who knows. Have a great weekend. I have to jump in the shower. hugs & pray for me that I don’t say anything snotty to my husband’s x-girlfriend. ~snicker-snicker~ Plus I have to run & see If I can’t get a few more votes for my friend Tom. He’s 77 and he’s such a sweetie I hope he wins this best dressed stuff. You have a great day. I like your blog.!
Thanks Dolly! Ha, I pray you’ll have a much better time than you’re anticipating. I never look forward to my husband’s reunions. Blech. I appreciate the compliment re: my blog. Bless you!
I love listening to John Waller songs. My favorite is, “While I’m Waiting”.
Great post for today. I’m glad to see there are others out here in the blogging world that believe such as I. I’ve seen miracles happen since I was little, and I am a living miracle!
Thank you Beth! Keep up the great posting!
I love that song too! Praise God re: miracles! He is the same Yesterday, Today, and FOREVER! Bless you!
Thanks for this today.
You’re welcome!
Beth, I just *stumbled* onto your blog. This was a great post. I LOVE this song! We saw John Waller in concert last spring (and even got to meet him – What a heart for music that ministers and for Jesus!) and he sang this song over us! It was very powerful!! It has also made me think differently, more clearly, about what I am passing on to my children. Am I passing on blessings or am I inadvertently passing on *junk*? Thank you for sharing. I’m going to join your blog so I can read more 🙂
God Bless ~ Shannon
Thank you Shannon! I am going to follow you back! Oops, well I would have but you don’t have a blog. Sniff, sniff. :o) IF you ever write one, I’ll follow ya! Oh wow, I wish I could have seen him in person. I saw him on Sid Roth and ordered his CD! He has a powerful testimony!
Bless you!
Praise God for the blessing of rain in your area! I found you today through My Freshly Brewed Life, and I had to come follow you because you spoke of being transparent and also having a heart for Christians who aren’t walking in the freedom God desires for them. I love that. Thanks for following me, too! So much fun finding great new blogs!!
Thank you! I pray you’ll find something here that will encourage you! It is fun connecting with other Christians out here! Bless you! (I love Barbie!)
I want all of the blessings that God has for me. And I do want to bestow blessings on my children and grandchildren…and I want to be a blessing to others.
I love the old hymn “Make Me A Blessing!”
Thank you for this reminder to speak words of blessing!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I am a new follower!
Thanks for the follow Linda! I returned the favor. And I want to be a blessing too!
Refreshing rain — all from the sky. One refreshes the grass and one refreshes the soul!
I hope your Sunday is full of joy,
Thanks Pamela! I pray your Sunday is joyful too!
During this dry hot time, rain is truly a blessing!! Even when it caused the road in front of my work to flood and came about 10 feet from the entrance of the building!! A scarey moment but brief!
Blessings to you Beth!
Wow, that was close! But praise God for the rain!
Wonderful rain…we so need it, we have been in a drought and record breaking heat. Each time I see it in the natural I think about it in the spiritual..we all need spiritual rain.
Yes blessing our children and receiving the blessings our parents gave us.
Amen! We do need spiritual rain too. I often look with spiritual eyes when I hear of a drought. I wonder what is behind it. Thanks for visiting me!
Ohhh blessings Beth…that is just what this was/is.
To see you visit and share this beautiful song and special words from you, is always a blessing! John’s song is a real BLESSING!
I knew TX needed rain, but did not realize the east coast was dry, just everywhere has been way too hot! We have temps in the 80s here but it says it feels like 108, and it does!!! But storms in the night. You’d think it would cool us off but it just gets hotter.
I agree “the blessing” of laying on of hands and bestowing words that bless would move anyone to stand in line to receive. I too would!
The book by Gary Smalley on The Blessing” has just been republished I think. I’ve seen it around again lately. Always worth being blessed…and not cursed.
May God richly bless you and yours on this glorious SONday! C’mon back next SONday and soak with us! Thanks Beth!
Love and JOY,
Thanks friend! Oh, can you imagine having your parents pass along spiritual blessings? What a gift that would be! Have a blessed SONday!
I was not raised in a Christian home and did not experience receiving a blessing from my parents. Although I am thankful for spritual mothers and fathers who have imparted to me many blessings. I know a grandfater who called his children, grandchildren and greats to his death bed to lay hands on each one and impart a blessing as he passed from this life. What a testimony. Have a beautiful day!
I didn’t receive any spiritual blessings from my parents either Barbie. But wow — how awesome about that grandfather! What a gift he gave them!!!!
Oh I know the sound of that thunder was music to your ears. I would have wanted to play in the rain. I know that one day God will send us some here in Texas.
Beth, I enjoyed reading more about you on Barbie’s blog.
Yes, it was wonderful!
Thanks Joan! I appreciate that. :o) Have a blessed evening!
What a wonderful thing…passing down the blessings! I never heard this song..but it is a really good one!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
I’m glad you enjoyed it Julie!