I always want to share what God has taught me so that someone else can walk in freedom and understanding.
To start this story I must go back a few months to share part of a prophetic word that one of my pastors shared with me. He said God was doing some deep digging in my heart to bring healing in areas that I THOUGHT were already healed.
Oh boy! Isn’t that something you want to hear? Ha. Well, YES of course I want to be completely healed, but we all know the process isn’t fun!
It wasn’t long after that revelation that I started noticing some things in my relationships. I really did think those things were dealt with, but apparently the pain was buried deeper than I knew. I worked through the emotions with Daddy God as they arose.
Time passed and BOOM — out of nowhere another area of my past smacked me in the head!
Most of you have read my testimony about fear and panic, right? If not, you can find my testimony here. From the beginning of this battle with fear and all that comes with it, God has set me free level by level. The Word of God was MORE THAN important! It is our sword and NOTHING can take its place. Friends, you MUST know God’s Word!
I noticed that out of nowhere I was starting to feel anxious in traffic again.
Of course I cried out to God. I definitely thought this stuff was GONE and I was healed. Ah, okay …. Pastor Jim said that deep things were being brought to the surface. Sigh.
So here is the kicker … I bound FEAR and PANIC and it wasn’t helping. Hmmmm. New territory here. What was behind this attack?
Meanwhile, God had been orchestrating everything else that needed to take place in the lives around me. My Bible study teacher and friend was going through training with HeartSync Ministries.
HeartSync Ministry focuses on the primary mission statement of Christ to heal the brokenhearted (Luke 4:17-18a), whereby Christ gives us singleness of heart and action (Jer.32:39) to the end that we are then able to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind. (Matt. 22:37) HeartSync Ministry does this by intentionally synchronizing the most core parts of our heart to the Lord in a short period of time.
Those of us in Charismatic churches have heard of SOZO, Cleansing Stream, and/or Restoring the Foundations. All three use different techniques to bring inner healing and deliverance. I have gone through Cleansing Stream and parts of Restoring the Foundations. God was (and always is) so faithful! I received healing each time. Remember — layer by layer — like an onion.
Autumn, who is training with HeartSync, shared openly about the process and I knew it was something I needed. Whatever was causing this reaction in traffic HAD TO GO! I was NOT about to step backwards.
Another big “God-thing” that was lining up with all of this was a prophetic word from Chuck Pierce. You can find the entire article HERE. When I read the article, I was so encouraged and I KNEW that God was up to something. To be specific — MY HEALING!
Chuck Pierce declared: In the next 10 days there will be a supernatural rest coming from the trauma that we’ve been under. In that rest, you will begin to gain a clarity of vision for the future. Let the “gate of rest” swing wide!
Gate of Sorrow and Trauma will Turn to the Gate of New Laughter!
Trauma! I knew from Joan Hunter’s ministry that trauma can rest even in our cellular memory. I had dealt with trauma over the years, but this was something that I thought was healed, remember? What was God about to show me?
Okay, back to my friend Autumn. She was gracious enough to meet with me to see what God wanted to do. We asked the Lord what memories He wanted us to discuss. He took me to some key memories of things that had happened in my childhood. I think the youngest memory was around age 4. Each memory had the same theme — I was trapped and had no voice. Hello … trapped. That is what manifested in traffic. The feeling of being trapped.
We worked through each memory and a lot of tears were shed.
I knew God had restored areas of my heart that weren’t whole.
What happened when I left her house? I felt the emotions of panic wash all over me at a stoplight! Ugh! Things were stirred up and I cried out to God. I stood on His Word and pressed in again. If I had to work through this again, then I would do it. I wasn’t going to give up!
I met with Autumn on a Friday, walked through some more memories with the Lord on Sunday, then came MONDAY! I was taking my daughter to school when the feelings rushed over me again! I was so angry and upset. I couldn’t let her know, so once I dropped her off I began to talk with the Lord. I immediately found myself the first in line at a stoplight. I had lanes on both sides of me full of cars.
FIGHT OR FLIGHT? In the past, I did everything in my power to exercise FLIGHT!
Do you know what I decided to do? (God must have given me wisdom.) I began to fight with my flesh and told my body, I DON’T CARE IF YOU FEEL FEAR, I AM NOT MOVING. I AM NOT GIVING INTO YOU. I also told myself (you know — sometimes you just have to put your foot down) that I was going to drive back home and to school over and over until I felt complete peace at the stop lights! That is exactly what I did! I made 3 or 4 round trips to home and school in a row just to show my flesh who was in control.
At that same time, John Paul Jackson’s interview on Joni Lamb’s Table Talk was on DayStar. His words, “God wants us to CONQUER our fears” rang from the television. What a confirmation!
For years I cried out for God to REMOVE the fear, but this was something I was supposed to conquer. My thoughts immediately went to the process of a butterfly exiting his cocoon. If we cut the cocoon open for him, it will damage the butterfly. It is key for the butterfly to strengthen itself as it pushes its way out. God knows what He is doing folks …
When I decided to endure the horrible feelings and not allow myself to run, God met me there. Now He is replacing bad traffic memories with peaceful ones. Finally — after ALL of these years, I finally found the root: a wounded, divided heart.
Chuck Pierce: “Today is a day that the 40 years of trauma is coming to an end. Today is a day where the sorrow and the heartache that was hidden behind the gate, I AM opening it. Yes, the gate of sorrow looks one way this moment, but very soon this gate will turn into the ‘gate of new laughter.’ This gate will be filled with a new joy and will be filled with a new healing. What was unaligned because of the trauma of youth will be aligned and your youth will be restored. Yes (my daughter, Penny Pierce is representing the Body), just as I’m speaking to you individually, I’m speaking to My daughters corporately, and I AM speaking to My daughter. There has been a disk that has shifted in the backbone of My Body. I Am aligning the disk to create a flow that will release, release, release, breaking trauma and restoring the hope of My faith this day in Jesus’ Name!”
I am grateful for the gift of prophecy! My pastor prophetically revealed the hidden things in my heart to prepare me for what was coming. Thank God for preparing me!
I am grateful for this healing!
Is God a respecter of persons? NO. If He healed me, He will heal YOU.
Never give up. Continue to seek His face and seek healing.
I highly recommend HeartSync Ministries.
God bless you all!
Praise God! Rejoicing with you Beth. I am still reaping healing from the fall Cleansing Stream’s Classes. So I know how wonderful it is to feel free!
Hi Mary! I have missed you! Yes, Cleansing Stream was the first program I went through after a church split (around 8 years ago).
God is faithful!
Love you!