I am so grieved over this. Do you know what FOCA is all about? I’m sure you’ve seen this button on some of the blogs:
FOCA Would Wipe Away Every Restriction on Abortion Nationwide
This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:
- Bans on Partial Birth Abortion
- Requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion
- Only licensed physicians can perform abortions
- Parents must be informed and give consent to their minor daughter’s abortion
FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future. (Information take from http://www.fightfoca.com/)
I received the following letter yesterday:
January 23, 2009
Dear Elizabeth,
Sadly, what I have been warning you about has come to pass.
Today, in a quiet, low-key ceremony, President Obama, has overturned the pro-life Mexico City Policy.
The Mexico City Policy, which President Bush enacted on his first day in office, was originally established by President Reagan to keep your money from overseas abortion providers.
President Obama campaigned on finding ‘common ground’ on abortion policy, but his first presidential decision to roll back the commonsense Mexico City Policy signals to American taxpayers that the abortion bailout has begun.
It’s unfortunate that President Obama has made subsidizing international abortion groups one of his first priorities, even as abortion numbers here at home are on the decline. America should respond to women’s needs in developing countries with real assistance that also upholds their dignity, not by promoting or paying for abortions.
I am disappointed by President Obama’s decision to bypass the will of American taxpayers and promote the radical agenda of Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby.
President Obama tried to pull a fast one on the country by holding a quiet ceremony on a Friday evening when the mainstream media wasn’t paying attention. President Obama must know how unpopular the funding of international abortions is, if he is trying so hard to hide it.
Thanks to your support we are able to make sure that the American people know what President Obama is up to! With your continued support we will be able to stop him from giving more money to abortion providers.
For Life,
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List President
Check out the SBA blog: www.suzyb.orgP.S. Thirty-six years ago, the Supreme Court trampled the rights of states and authorized a genocide which has claimed 48 million lives. Unfortunately we can’t bring back those children who are now gone, but we can start saving lives today with your help. Join me in this cause by making a secure online contribution of $36 or more to help protect every human life. Thank you for your partnership in Life.
I was weeping this morning — just realizing the potential of it all. President Obama is sowing seeds of death. What is he going to reap? This man needs prayer! He is going to have to face the God of all creation some day and answer for his decisions. Why doesn’t he fear God? Perhaps that is what we should pray! He should fear God.
Psalm 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding.
I have a dear friend who had an abortion out of desperation as a young woman. She had no idea the impact it would have on her life. It isn’t my story to tell, but she silently screamed as her baby was being removed and she was left with the deepest despair in her soul. These pro-abortion people who push this as an “answer” aren’t telling the whole story. God has a plan for these precious lives.
Please storm the heavens with prayer concerning this. There must be something we can do to stop this wickedness.
I am in agreement in prayer with you Beth. That the Lord’s will concerning every life weather born or still in uterus would be done. Lord have your way in every life you have created. I also pray along with you that we would all be more vigilant in our understanding of what it means to fear the Lord. I ask the Lord to grant us wisdom as we consider His view in this cause.
Hi Beth, so nice to “meet” you. I can already tell how much I am going to enjoy reading your blog.
I hadn’t heard about this, but will definitely be keeping my eyes on it. 🙁
Thank you, Beth for posting this! The more of us that get involved the better.
This grieves my heart as well. I am praying for our new president and for our nation. This is very upsetting…
Thank you for sharing…I will be praying.
I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s heartbreaking. There’s a blogger friend of mine who’s been very vocal of her regret of the abortion she had years ago and is now one of the biggest Pro-Life advocates I know.
Sadly so many girls and even women just do not understand the conscequences of their actions and the emotional turmoil they’ll be left with, not to mention the Spiritual war that Satan will ignite on their hearts and souls.
Praying for Obama as well as every girl and woman who succomb to thinking killing their baby is the answer.
Still disturbs me everytime I hear about this…yes! we all must pray for our president!!
Hi Beth,
Although I’m not surprised..this still makes me so sad. This is just the beginning…
I’m so thankful for the Lord and that we as believers have His peace that surpasses understanding.
Beth, I agree that President Obama needs this entire country praying for him.
It sickens me to think about what happens to those precious little babies, who don’t have a voice in this matter and the lifetime of guilt that a woman carries after having an abortion.
I know several women who have had one for one reason or another…each had suffered in silence until they became a part of Concept of Truth. They have counseling, abortion recovery groups and finally, they have a memorial service for the child they aborted. God has done an amazing healing in these ladies. The center was founded and run by Dorinda’s aunt and uncle.
Check out their website at
they are reaching women and men across the US and internationally.
We must pray for President Obama and the future of our country.
Thank you for always sharing from your amazing, gratiful and grieving heart. You bless me!
Have a great weekend!
My heart is grieved reading this – as I also have already read your post on Facebook.
Let us Christian arise and be an answer. The more people educate on the reality of abortion the better. This can be done on grassroute as you do. Then trust God for more Christian adoption places.
Intense prayer and love action will need to spread the globe.
Obama will have to face his own judgement. But thank God there are gatekeepers and intercessors,and those that will rise up in His Love to create independent provisions and education!
Hi Beth,
Thank you so much for bringing awareness. Life is too precious for it to be taken so lightly. We must pray for the leadership in this country.
Great post. Yesterday was definitely a dark day for this country and the world. If you find or receive more information about groups or resources please send me an email with the information. I have a group that is organizing, and posting information like this on our website and blog. http://www.brightmindshelpinghandholyhearts.blogspot.com there is a link on my from the heart blog. Have you seen the Life is beautiful video on youtube, it has awesome pictures and the song makes me wail each time I watch it and it is an Advocacy project too. There is a link in the posts on both blogs.
Prayer is definitely in order, but we also need to become active in raising awareness to the facts in a loving manner.
Praying with you,
you have two awards at my blog : )
I am praying for our president, we would be doomed it it were not for the promises we have in God.
yea, while I will conntinue to support Obama in prayer, and I will try to so with a glad heart and not with an attitude of something like this, “Well, he sure NEEDS it!@@#%@!,”
this angers and upsets me to tears!
I keep saying to myself, “What is wrong with him?”
really I just want to cry.
I could go on and on… but, I’ll stop here!
Lord, Help me to remain positive and to remember that no one is mightier than you. Protect our children and the unborn. For all life is Yours, even Obama who was woven and spun with your very present hand. I lift him up today and ask You Lord to bless him, our President. Praise You Jesus. Amen
Thanks Beth.
Sisters in Christ, Deanna :O)
I am praying with you Beth… It is so overwhelming and frustrating…
I have been struggling with this all since Tuesday as well… its heartbreaking. And I want to shout from the roof tops!!! But, its a senstive issue and some people just dont want to hear you… Good for you for standing up and saying wahts Right and True!!
Many blessings-
Beth, some how I missed your post on this but I stand in agreement and have posted a lot on the Sanctity of Human Life and Standing for Life on my Speak on it with LisaS blog. I also have the FOCA widget on that blog.
It is disgusting to say the least that the first week of the administration of a man who claims to be a Christian president secretly signed the reversal of the Mexico City policy. I wrote about that and the heavy heart I had last week.
I’m renewed in the reminder that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD and GOD IS ON THE THRONE and we must continue to speak up and speak out about this very sensitive subject.
Too many are silent. Many are in pain who have had abortions (I was one) and many more (including Christians) are having abortions in silence. I wrote a message titled: Let’s talk about it.
I am grateful for your heart Beth in sharing this message on FIGHT FOCA and I’m so grateful to know you and to call you my sister in Christ. We’re in the fight together with many others.
I continue also to pray for the heart of President Obama (whom I did not vote for) to be turned truly toward CHRIST and away from the views that do not represent the Word of God.
Love you.