Today I link with Angela at Free Spirit Haven to share prayer requests and pray for others. She has added the MckLinky blog hop feature which makes it much easier to visit the others participating. Please join us and add the MckLinky code to the bottom of your post — then we definitely won’t miss your prayer needs.
Will you stand in the gap and pray for others?
Ezekiel 22:30
I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.
PLEASE pray for Lou and Lewis. Lou was one week overdue with their first child. They went to have the baby induced and there was no heart beat. Lou had to deliver her son who was already in the arms of Jesus. Little Landen’s funeral is tomorrow morning. Please pray for this precious couple. I can’t imagine.
Please pray for the host of this meme and her family: Angela
Luke 6:17-20
He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coast of Tyre and Sidon, who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all. Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”
Please pray for our bloggy friends who are struggling with health issues: Denise, Debbie, Ron, Lorraine, and so many others. God knows who they are. The family members need prayers too. Especially Ron’s beautiful wife and Lorraine’s family.
Please pray for the precious children in our blogosphere who are battling serious illnesses: Abby, Stellan, Westin, Ezra, and Maggie. Please pray for my daughter’s friend Bethany who just had two cysts removed from her spinal column. She is still in the hospital — 4 years old. Please pray the cysts are benign.
Deuteronomy 5:16
Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Please pray for the elderly to have respect, purpose, and protection. Please pray for my parents. My Daddy really needs supernatural strength and both need peace of mind.
The financial needs of people seem overwhelming. Only God can supply our needs.
Please pray for our friends on here who are going through infertility, adoption, or both.
Please pray protection over all of our children as many are venturing out to public schools.
Most of all, this is on my heart. I am concerned about the condition of people’s souls. Have you ever noticed when you post something light-hearted you get a BUNCH of comments, but when your post is more serious in nature — you most faithful readers are the only people who comment? I was just telling my friend Geli about this and I was immediately reminded of the lyrics to a Misty Edwards song: “People walk around with their fingers in their ears saying la du du du du, I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THE SOUND OF THE COMING KING.” (This is the last song on my playlist “People Get Ready” if you want to hear it.) So many are going through their lives thinking they will deal with the condition of their souls “tomorrow” …
Matthew 25
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
1“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
9” ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11“Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said. ‘Open the door for us!’
12“But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’
13“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Thanks for taking the time to pray through these requests. I pray you’ll join us and share your prayer requests too.
Beth, God has been placing upon my heart to do a devotional for quite some time to what you just mentioned about..
"Have you ever noticed when you post something light-hearted you get a BUNCH of comments, but when your post is more serious in nature — you most faithful readers are the only people who comment?"
I haven't done so because my heart is NOT right. God NEEDS to deal with some huge issues concerning this.
I will be honest, it BREAKS my spirit so greatly when I have a Meme on prayer. Praying to THE COMING KING….and "most faithful readers are the only people" praying with me.
I've prayed to God about this for quite some time..the words from the lyric REALLY touched my spirit…
Misty Edwards song: "People walk around with their fingers in their ears saying la la la la la, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE SOUND OF THE COMING KING."
I want to bawl to be honest with you. God has given SO much…to communicate with Him, to Him in prayer!!!!
My heart also is concerned…I keep laying it at the cross of Christ. I HAVE too! I have no other choice because if I pick it up, I walk in my flesh. I become disheartened, questioning 'what's the point'..God keeps reminding me,,IF IT'S JUST HIM AND I praying,,we are the majority..It's ALL about Him….sigh…
((hugs)) I can't tell you how much this really touched me what you wrote. God is speaking to His prayer is that others will listen clearly as you have!!
Thank you for posting prayer requests. While I can't remember each one, I try to mention them in general. So many people are hurting or struggling and sometimes it makes our hurts and struggles seem so minor.
Amen sister. You're so right about the light hearted things posted seem more popular. Folks we are in the age of "Christianity LITE" and it will lead folks to hell as fast as "lose living" We've got to stay prayed up and in God's word. I'm guilty of this as well…but I and others we've got to be preparing ourselves to meet the lost and give them Jesus…'cause we might be the only Jesus they see. We also have to be praying more (myself included.) Thanks for your post…When I get my little one off to school…I'm coming back so I can properly read it and not just rush right through. Blessings.
Amen sister. You're so right about the light hearted things posted seem more popular. Folks we are in the age of "Christianity LITE" and it will lead folks to hell as fast as "lose living" We've got to stay prayed up and in God's word. I'm guilty of this as well…but I and others we've got to be preparing ourselves to meet the lost and give them Jesus…'cause we might be the only Jesus they see. We also have to be praying more (myself included.) Thanks for your post…When I get my little one off to school…I'm coming back so I can properly read it and not just rush right through. Blessings.
Isn't it true sometimes when there's nothing wrong going on in our lives, we tend to become more complacent? Great reminder here today! And may it penetrate the hearts of who will come by. [like mine]…
Praying with you for these precious people…God bless. Have a great weekend.
Blessings Beth…I Love this new look…it's been a while for me to get over here & leave a comment but I do follow you!
I saw this in Google Reader today and I had to come:"Have you ever noticed when you post something light-hearted you get a BUNCH of comments, but when your post is more serious in nature — you most faithful readers are the only people who comment?"
First because I like that you are trying PRAYER as a Blog Hop. I truly pray this stirs up more people burdened to pray or join. I think we try it all but you have shed light on a very serious point.
That is what brought me here & confirmed by Anglea, a great prayer warrior & heart for God like you, I
had to concur with you being bold & making a clear statement about our hearts as bloggers and my heart just broke when I saw Angela's comment as well. We tried Lighthouse of Prayer because we saw a great need for prayer and many needs but few really praying. Look how long Angela has been doing this! We try all we can to move our sisters to PRAY or share their prayer needs…but it isn't until it is very serious that people turn to pray when it needs to be a daily. Bravo for YOU & Angela & Denise(with her new pray blog), we all try to move as the Spirit prompts but that is exactly when the power goes to dim…You have lifted beautiful petitions here.
I laid my hands on each one & agreed in prayer with you as well as added when prompted.
Father, I lift up Beth's dad to you, in particular here, for the supernatural strength he needs. Be with him this day & fill him with Your strength. Give Him peace of mind that only You can give! Though I do not know the circumstances Lord, You do and I ask that You
move on this man of purpose with Your grace & meet his needs & Beth's today. In Jesus Name.
I also lay down my flesh Lord as Angela mentions & I want no part of
taking it back. She is so right LORD that the main point is that HE is what it's all about & if it's just HIM & me in prayer or on my blog, that's all that is needed. I surrender any hindrance this may bring. Bless Angela & Fearless Friday. Draw in more people to focus on prayer LORD. What can be more important than sharing time with You and lifting each other & each other's burden's before You!
LORD, I stand with these women of faith in prayer & for all these concerns. So many LORD but once more the laborers are few. This breaks my heart & my spirit somewhat. I confess Lord that I have felt this way often & I gave it to You many times.
Your Word oh LORD says that we are to share one another's burdens & cast all our cares upon You. You also have gifted some of us with the burden of prayer as intercessors yet it's clear we need more…in this time, for such a time, we call on You to bring in prayers LORD, short, sweet, simple words lifted to You…I love You LORD & I love each one of these sisters in the LORD. Stir up within this body of believers in blogland a desire to PRAY, to seek YOU & to share in the labor. The harvest is ready LORD yet we are not doing our part! Forgive us LORD! I give You all the glory, honor & praise, in Your beloved Son's Name…blessed Jesus, COME & fill these hearts & meet these needs…
Praying with you, and for you.
Your post was right on, Beth!!
I will alway be praying!!!!
Yep! I have one sister who wants to hear nothing about Christianity. Actually I have 3 who don't. She blames it on some Pastor from when they were little and Mom and Dad made all these rules and blah, blah. It drives me nut. I had the same Pastor and loved him. She wants to hear nothing now. I just don't get how you would rather go to Hell than listen. It makes me sad and mad because now she likes to say nasty things about Church and God infront of the girls. grrrrr.
Hi Beth! You are so so right about the comments thing! I have noticed that kind of thing happening as well. People don't want to hear the TRUTH nowadays and some people just want to hear all the lovely, nice stuff about God and none of the hell stuff which is vital to know as well.
Love Collette xxxx
I'm praying for everyone mentioned in this post, Beth, especially for the lost souls!
Love you,
Just coming to visit :).
Glad to be here again, I haven't blog hopped in I while, I loved remembering people when I do!
Thanks for praising God on my account 🙂 – we were blessed not to need hospitalization from that flu! God is good.
And thanks for the recommendation of Francine's other books, I'll look into them… hoping my S.I.L. has them….. 🙂
I have been trying to lose weight and am very encouraged by your pics! Thanks for sharing, you look amazing!
Beth, What a blessing you are Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
We will be praying! Thanks for the reminder of the importance of prayers! =)
Good morning Beth,
I miss you too! Sweet sis, I am still battling with keeping everything in balance since I have been out of the hospital. I am on 23 different medicines for my heart and epilepsy and migraines and I am sleeping 4-6 hours of the day.
I am trying diligently to keep up with everyone but find that the best I can do is respond to those who come see me. Thanks for doing just that! I was delighted to see your name!
I took a moment and prayed for the requests here on your page today. Breaks my heart but am honored and privileged that I can pray!
I have missed walking to the cross with you, my friend. But I love ya and hope you know it. Just still trying to adjust.
Big hugs to you and that sweet girl of yours!
Awesome post, Beth. Prayers given.
Praying for these souls. You are so right in what you are saying,it is like that in church while you are singing everyone is happy happy, but once the Meat of the Word is preached with love and conviction, the church gets silent and folks start tipping out! These are the last days, the Love has waxed cold…. Pray for me that I will strive to be a living example in the earth! Keep the prayer chain going! We are listening!
I know just what you mean (about the comments for lighthearted posts). I notice that posts for decorating get a ton. It's interesting. Sometimes I think that people just don't know what to say or feel uncomfortable with deep emotions. I really like hearing the heart of someone!
Praying for those mentioned!
So many hurting, so many needs. I'm glad we serve a more than capable God. I agree with you that people don't comment on "serious" posts as often as the light hearted ones. I've discussed this with Angela and how with all the "Christian" bloggers, Fearless Friday should be overflowing with links. Go figure…
i'm standing in the gap and praying for all in your list. i'm believing for breakthroughs and miracles to happen in each of our lives as children of God. i'm also praying for lost souls that they be touched by God and make Jesus their Lord and Savior.
So much heart ache, such a need for prayer.