Hi Friends. Today I link with Angie at Free Spirit Haven to share prayer requests and lift up others.
Please lift up all of the children battling cancer and various illnesses (Abby, Westin, and Stellan). Don’t forget Kyndall who is recovering from an accident. Even though Kayleigh is in heaven, her parents and family really need our prayers.
Let’s all pray together that a cure for cancer be found. There are so many adults suffering as well. They need peace, strength, hope, and HEALING. The attack against a person’s thoughts are as bad as the attack in their bodies. Peace, peace, peace … A while back I asked you to pray for our friends Randy and Steve who were both diagnosed with cancer. Randy has finished all of his radiation treatments. He lost a lot of weight and didn’t feel so great, but they believe he is clear. Steve just had some type of ports put in his stomach and neck. His feet had blisters from the chemo but are getting better. They are going to take out the tumor in a couple of weeks and remove all of his large intestines. God bless him. Please continue to pray for Steve and his family.
As always, please pray for President Obama. My main prayer for him is that he will have the fear of the Lord because it is the beginning of all wisdom. God have mercy on this nation.
Please pray about North Korea and their dictator. Unsettling to say the least.
In my little blogosphere, please pray for:
*Tim at Fort Thompson who is having surgery next week.
*A sweet friend who is dealing with high blood pressure.
*Please pray for Mom’s who are considering abortion. Please pray they will see these babies on ultrasounds and save those children. There are plenty of couples who would love to adopt these children.
*Angie (who hosts this) and her family — for God to continue to meet needs.
*Two friends who are praying for the restoration of their marriages. Please pray for the husbands to have the blinders removed from their eyes.
*Alleluiabelle’s husband Steve who had a mini-stroke and is home, running a fever. He is having several health issues and really needs our prayers. I am preparing this early so there may be an update on her blog — check HERE.
*A sweet friend who is really having some negative reactions to her meds and has been sick to her stomach. Please pray God brings balance to her system, clears her lungs so that she can breathe.
*Another friend who is struggling with asthma and nothing seems to be working. Please pray in agreement that her passageways be open so that she can play with her kids and enjoy her life.
*Please pray for my friend Mel, her children, and for God to make a way.
*Please pray for Pam and her family — for God to continue to make a way for her as a single Mom with a house full of children. :o)
*Please pray for my friend Pam and her job situation.
Ok, I’m sure there are more needs that I’m forgetting, but I’m sure these friends would appreciate your prayers.
God bless you all. Won’t you please stand in the gap for others?
Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Lord, thank You for this precious gift of prayer. Thank You that we are able to come to Your throne with all boldness as Your Word tells us to, so we are able to receive grace and mercy in our time of need. Heal us oh Lord and we will be healed. Save us oh Lord and we will be saved, for You are the One we praise. amen amen amen
Prayer is a such a powerful tool we have as christians….praying that God will hear our prayers and supplications…..
There is power in prayer. I am a believer in that. When you and your readers pray for our President and the North Korea crisis ~ please say a special prayer for my son, Jeremy. He is serving our country over in south Korea and is scheduled to come home in August. This momma would appreciate your prayers. -blessings, Laurie
Lifting them up in my prayers. Lord, thank You that You are in the midst of us as we gather to pray together. Love and blessings to you sister Beth.
you know i am praying, girl!
Agreeing with you in prayer for these concerns!
Oh, and one more thing…thank you. 🙂
Beth you are so precious to always pray and lift others up in prayer. It breaks my heart that there are so many needs…but Thank God we know the God that can meet all those needs. He is faithful.
Thanks for posting all these prayer request. Gosh, sometimes the needs and hurts are overwhelming. But God is a BIG God, and can touch every life with the sweetness only He can give. Love ya…pam
Thank you for this list and I will pray about this.
BTW, I believe I am finally on the mend today!!!!! Woohoo! I am on my feet (out of bed) and dressed and although I plan on being careful, I really think I am finally getting better. Thank the Lord and thank you for your prayers.
I am still avoiding exercise and not pushing myself until my body has totally kicked this thing, but I am feeling better than I have in a week and a half!
I will be praying sweetie.
Prayers for all of these people. The world’s so full of hurt, and we are called to bring comfort.
You inspire me, Beth!
Prayed over these today for God’s provision in each situation.
prayed for all in your list believing that God will make a way for each one of us to bring glory to His name. i’m standing in prayer and agreement with you for provision, strength, restoration and healing.