What’s been happening on our farm lately?

Things are moving ahead with our 2012 corn maze.  Here is our maze design this year.   I can’t share our website since I try to keep our location and name incognito here, but this is our 2012 maze:

copy of our maze for my blog

Isn’t it cool?  It is a 10 acre corn maze (with the two mazes combined).  M.I. Homes is our senior sponsor.  If you live in NC and would like to visit our maze – contact me.

We have had to irrigate the fields to keep them nice and green:

watering our corn

We normally open on the first weekend of September, but thankfully this year we decided to open on the fifteenth!  I am thrilled because I just can’t make myself get prepared for some reason.

What else is happening on the farm?  Well, the other evening I walked into the largest coop to lock up the Rhode Island Reds and found a hen resting in a dust hole.  The others were already on their roosts, so I knew something was wrong.  I had just been in the pen a couple of hours earlier, but there was a hen — deadSigh.  This is the 2nd hen we have lost.  The first one was attacked by some type of animal, but this one … I’m not sure.   The first thing that came to my mind was this silly hen broke her neck flying off of her roost.  I really do think this is what happened.   As I watched the hens fly down so clumsily, I could see how this hen probably hit one of the rafters or supporting pole on her flight (if you want to call it that) down.  Poor thing.

The other girls are doing well though.  My youngest 6 are fat and sassy — laying eggs too!  I am super bummed though about my Ameraucana chickens because they are laying light brown eggs.  I purchased them so I would have some blue, green, or pink eggs.  Oh well — they are cute.  Here is Dot, the Silver-laced Wyondotte with Buffy and Fluffy (Buff Orpingtons).


Other than that, our daughter had her 7th birthday!  Where oh where has the time gone?  A friend’s mother made her this beautiful princess gown with a hoop skirt!  She was thrilled!  Sorry for the watermark over her, but I don’t want anyone copying my baby girl’s image.


For our daughter’s birthday party, she had a small group of her friends come over to paint their own versions of butterflies.   A friend of ours directed the party.  First, she turned our porch into an art studio … (if you are local and would like for her to come do this at your home, let me know).



The final product!


Didn’t they do a great job?

Yesterday I had a blank canvas left and thought I’d try my hand at a butterfly.  I really needed some smaller brushes because I made a mess with the flowers!  But here is my painting:

mydestiny painting

Today I’m linking with:

Have a blessed Monday & Labor Day Everyone!