I just attended the funeral of a neighborhood lady yesterday. I have known this lady since I was eleven years old. I would consider her mostly an acquaintance over the years, not someone that I saw on a regular basis. She always seemed friendly enough, but I wouldn’t have known about her walk with the Lord — not the walk that the pastor shared yesterday.

After participating in the Internet Cafe chat the other day and then attending a funeral, it really has me wondering what people will say about me when I go home to heaven (after 90 years of living on earth).

I don’t think anyone in my family would have a clue or even understand my passion for the Lord. I think I was even called “Crazy Aunt Beth” by a nephew — though I’m not sure how I earned that name. But I can’t help but wonder if it had to do with my extravagant love for Jesus (or maybe because I wouldn’t allow him to bring certain things into my house when he spent the night). I was a Jesus Freak when it wasn’t “cool” (ha). I once had a woman who had gone to church her entire life tell me, “Sometimes people can talk about the Lord too much” … yep, she said that to me. I think this is the same person who said I was too religious (uh no, it is called a relationship). She loves to talk about those whom her affections rest, so why shouldn’t I? Better yet — WHO IS MORE DESERVING of our praise and adoration?

Luke 6:45
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

I can’t help myself! God is always in my thoughts and heart.

My own sweet Daddy and I had a discussion a few years ago about a Charismatic television evangelist and when my Dad found out that I had gone to see this man he said, “I thought Peggy was the only crazy one in our family.” Lovely, eh? Well so be it — I’ll be a fool for my Lord.

I was the Charismatic lady desiring MORE! I wasn’t satisfied with hearing about “the good ol’ days when Jesus healed the sick” — I wanted to meet the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever! I wasn’t happy hearing sweet little sermons that danced through nostalgic fields of clover, instead I wanted to hear an ON TIME WORD from my Lord.

I am still the woman hungering for MORE. I want people to experience the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If people only knew Him and only experienced Him. He isn’t a God way up in heaven who doesn’t touch us with His power today. He is very much the same God of the universe who poured out His Spirit on His people in the bible.

I think that scares some believers and they would much rather stay in a safe environment where they are in control.

Even in Spirit-filled churches — people are concerned about scaring off “seekers” or visitors. Where in the bible did Jesus hold back out of “fear” of offending someone? The miracles and signs BROUGHT people to Him. Have you ever read of anyone running away and screaming, “NO! DON’T HEAL ME JESUS!” It is crazy I tell you!

Ok, I have totally gone off course with my original subject … what will people say about me when I go home, but THIS is who I am. I am in love with my Maker. I am hungry for more of Him. I want others who haven’t experienced Him fully TO DESIRE MORE in their relationship. I don’t want anyone to settle for what “man” tells you (or the denomination you are under), but look into the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you all things.

I could go on and on with this. I keep forgetting that I’m not just chatting with my friends and you are actually having to READ my ramblings. Sorry!

I pray this has stirred at least one person’s curiosity to dig deeper, to knock on the door, to seek, and TO FIND!

Matthew 7:7-8
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

If any of you watched the Lakeland Outpouring, you know this young lady, Catherine Mullins, worships with TOTAL ABANDON! She is precious.