While listening to K-Love I heard Ed Lanay (I may have spelled his name wrong) share his “word” for the year 2011. He shared how he was reading in Exodus and the word DISTINCTION jumped off of the page.
In Exodus 8:23, God said He was going to make a DISTINCTION between His people and the Egyptians.
Exodus 8:23
I will make a distinction between my people and your people. This sign will occur tomorrow.
Ephesians 4:29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
We have a responsibility to look different, to sound different. Right? Are we trying to EARN our spot in heaven by obeying God’s Word? No. We do it because we love God and we feel conviction by His Spirit when we go against His Word.
Colossians 3:8
But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
So Ed Lanay, THANK YOU for putting this on my heart this morning. I want to check my heart and my life as well.
Do I look DISTINCT? I certainly pray I do!
Do YOU look distinct?
Wonderful post Beth…thank you for sharing. I certainly do pray that I look distinct as well. I pray that the light of Christ is always shining through!!
God bless you my dear!
Thank you for the uplifting message today, sweet friend!
You are right my friend. We need to look different from the world. May we remember to follow Christ in all things. That is the only way we will look like Him. Blessings to you my friend!
You are absolutely distinct! Love you
Thank you for making me think. I pray that I also look Distinct. I want to be set apart, walking in holiness and purity. Yet, at the same time, I want to walk among those who need Him the most!
Encouragaing post Beth, thank you.
Great post, Beth!! Each day I have to ask God to help me keep my actions and attitude in check…that it will reflect Christ living in me….
You are very distinct. It shows in your blogpost. Your post is a great reminder to let us know that we are of the world but not part of it. And also, not to conform ourselves by the world, but to stand out it!! Hmmmm, distinction, I like it!! Have a bless weekend!!!