Psalm 86:17
Teach me Your way Lord, that I may rely on Your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your Name.
Have you ever been hurt by someone’s words or actions? If you live on this planet, then the answer must be yes.
What did you do with that hurt? If you are like me, you buried it and packed it further and further down into your heart. Even though you chose to forgive — the hurt remained undealt with — hiding there to block you.
A few posts back I suggested that you write letters to people who have hurt you. The purpose was to pour out all of your hurt and pain while you explained to the person how their actions made you feel. (Don’t be alarmed — you don’t GIVE them the letters — just burn them.) I can’t tell you how much that little action freed my heart!
I began each letter with: _________, you hurt me when ….
I ended each letter with: _________, but I choose to forgive you. I forgive you and am moving forward with my life.
I also wrote a letter to God: I was hurt because I believed You ___________.
Then I wrote a letter to myself — forgiving myself.
I can’t explain the doors this has opened in my life! Good doors of course. Spiritual doors.
Do you have a difficult time feeling God’s love for you? This is a great first step to reaching freedom. If you still feel anger or pain in a memory, then there is still hurt that needs to be healed.
Psalm 86:15
But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
God loves you!
His heart is FOR you! Just as you love to lavish gifts on your children, Father God loves to bless His children too.
“God’s desire is to not only have you experience His love, but to totally overwhelm you with His love. To have you experience it to overflowing. To have you sense, feel, taste, and touch His love for you. He really wants you to experience Him!”
― Linda Boone, Intimate Life Lessons; developing the intimacy with God you already have.
If you decide to write the letters, please let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear about your breakthrough.
I am linking today with Barbie for her Weekend Brew. Please visit her by clicking her button below: