Wow, could this weekend get ANY better? I had a very timely, appointed and anointed meeting last night with a gifted man, Ryan Wyatt. If you are unfamiliar with his ministry (Abiding Glory Ministries), click HERE. Ryan is in town and I have been so blessed! I can hardly wait until tonight! If he is ever in your town, be sure to check him out.

To add to my blessed weekend, our church has hosted a women’s conference. What a WONDERFUL message! If I had time, I’d share some of my notes with you, but I’m on the go.

You know, I have been attending this church for almost 3 years this spring. When I walked into our fellowship hall today, I saw so many sweet, friendly faces. It was so great to feel “home” and loved. Thank You Father!

Of course I have to share two of my buddies with you. Hopefully you already know them, but if you don’t — hop over to their blogs and show them some love. First is Anitra. Isn’t she a cutie? This Sister is a freebie, informational Diva! She is in the KNOW folks!

Here is Anitra’s button:

If Mama Ain't button

And of course my buddy Angie! I’ve sent you over to her place before. Isn’t she a cutie patootie too? hee hee Angie will keep you in stitches! Honestly, she and I have no business ever sitting near each other in church/conference … any place where we should be serious. We would probably get tickled at a funeral. Mercy. I was so amused at one of her posts about her jeans that ripped. People were feeling sorry for her and offering to pray for her. She was laughing at herself (and I was LAUGHING at her/with her – ha) and others were praying.

Anyway, here is Sister Angie’s button:

Laughter does the heart good

Angie has been with me at the Ryan Wyatt conference too. Do you see the glow of the Holy Spirit on our faces? Woo hoo! We are expecting great things tonight as well. WHAT A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!

I pray each of you are enjoying yourselves! God bless you all!