Now that I’m switching over to WordPress (any day now) I thought I would “Google” some information on increasing by blog traffic. For someone who has been an active blogger for almost 5 years, I don’t know the inner workings — you know, the TECHNICAL side like I should! (Hanging head now …)
For instance: RSS feeds. I finally figured out that it meant receiving someone’s post via email. Isn’t that correct? Do all of you bloggers just know this stuff instinctively? I remember the first time I wanted to “link” something — I didn’t even know what a “link” was, nor did I understand that on Blogspot a picture of a link of chains on a button was something I needed to use. LOL I guess to make it more idiot proof, Blogspot now uses the word “LINK.”
I DON’T understand Feedburners and AdSense. Stuff that some of you pro-bloggers eat for breakfast around here.
I DON’T know how to MAKE MONEY with my blog. Though some of my buddies out here know and haven’t shared their wisdom with me yet — ahem!
Now that I have floundered around on Blogspot for a few years I am merging over to WordPress. That has a new set of challenges for me.
1. I don’t know how to use it — YET. I’m sure there will be a little learning curve.
2. Now I’m hearing about PLUG-INS. What in the world?!?!? I’m assuming they are like a handy-dandy WIDGET. Right? I also heard that to increase blog traffic I need to utilize the SiteMap plugin. Scratching head. Oh, and don’t forget I need the Related Post plugin. Now, will someone tell me how to PLUG IN?
So, what are some other suggestions to increase your blog traffic?
1. I have learned over the years that visual appeal is HUGE. Personally, I don’t stay long on sites that are difficult to read. Cutesy fonts are fun and nobody loves to celebrate all of the colors of the rainbow more than me, but not while I’M READING. Light color backgrounds are much friendlier on the eyes. If you’re creating a new blog — remember this.
2. When I first started, I loved all of the WIDGETS Blogspot provided. I still think many of them are great, but sometimes too many widgets on a blog are ANNOYING to your readers.
3. SEARCH ENGINE SPIDERS! I HATE spiders, but in this case I think they might be something I want on my site! What in the world is a search engine spider anyway? Apparently they visit more frequently when you blog more often. Hmmm. Would regular blog posts be search engine spider bait?
4. One thing I did realize over the years is this: CATCHY TITLES GET ATTENTION. I have noticed I get more hits when I use a strange or shocking TITLE for my post! We should keep our creative juices flowing.
5. Music on a blog. I never thought much about it in the beginning. I actually had a friend who would visit my blog just so she could enjoy my Playlist all day at work. Other people are disturbed by music while reading. The choice is yours, but I have heard more people complain ABOUT music than complain that a site doesn’t have it.
So are you STILL confused about INCREASING your blog traffic? Well, I am too, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this! I’m an intelligent woman. Surely, I will figure out this cyber world and conquer it. :o)
Soon, you will visit and see a different look … don’t leave, it is still me.
Just wanted you to know that you are not alone my friend. Maybe we should create some type of anonymous help group for people like us. I'm sure this must be some kind of condiotion fit to have it's on club…lol Honestly,I have no idea what about 90% of the stuff that you just mentioned is. I'm glad I'm not the only one missing something here:)
LOL seriously-blogging is a confusing sometimes.
Love your pictures on yours-I'm going to try and find some good family shots of mine to put up.
I am with you TOTALLY. I have to time to post only so don't know about all this lingo.
If I wanted to use blogging as a means of income, I would worry more about this stuff. At one time, I was concerned with getting traffic but not at all concerned about it now. I kind of like my comfortable blog friends who are loyal. Being the Type A, OC person that I am, I don't like have followers who really don't follow (clutter). They just follow you so you'll hopefully follow them. I still believe in quality over quantity any day! Can't wait to see your new home.
So glad there are others like me. 🙂
Well, Beth… I'll be right there with you learning WordPress. Erin has started work on my new design.
I agree with you about the light background. When I first began blogging two years ago, I wanted this "cutsy" look with all the frills and trimmings. Now I think it is distracting from the content of my blog. I'm going for clean and simple.
You are right about the catchy titles – they often get the most attention and traffic on my blog. Oh that I would always be so clever… 🙂
Looking forward to yours (and my) new home and looks.
That is to say at "cutesy" look. I sure hope WordPress offers spell check! 🙂
When are we getting together so we can sort through all of this? I'm gonna explain more stuff to you than you even want to know!! Ha Ha
Oh, the RSS feed is different from getting someone's blog posts in your email. That's the first thing we'll tackle on our blogging school list! Love you and I'm cracking up!!
Looking forward to seeing your new home!
sweet blessings
Cindy )
I've been blogging for about 4 years now (I think!) and there is still so much I do NOT know….and probably never will!
Can't wait to see your new place!
Oh, yeah. It’s definitely a learning process. I’ve been blogging (off and on) since 2002, and I’ve learned a lot… but still have a long ways to go!