So many of you have given me wonderful blog awards that decorate my little blog AND I THANK YOU! Please forgive me for being so slack and behind concerning posts about them. I always display them in my slide show of honor in the right column of my blog. If you click on the awards, hopefully you can see the caption that shows who generously gave them to me.
Today I was awarded the COMMENT award by Chris at The Mommy Journey. This is the first time I have seen this award, how about you?
I am supposed to pass this along to 5 faithful people who comment on my blog. It takes time to read someone’s post and comment about it. I appreciate those of you who leave your love here on my blog. (((((((hugs you))))))) This is hard, because I have some great commenting friends. Now, before I chose 5 of you, PLEASE DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED TO RECEIVE THIS AWARD! And IF you want to post it on your blog, I WILL NOT be watching to see if you post about it. Trust me. ha Just take it and display it proudly because you earned it.
Ok, I am going to just name the commenters that immediately come to mind: …
Oh my! I’m in trouble. I am coming up with a bunch of faithful commenters! I just can’t choose. I have an idea, IF YOU ARE LEAVING A COMMENT, JUST TAKE THE AWARD. I could go on and on with my friends who faithfully visit and LEAVE a comment. Seriously, I had already typed up 20 names and deleted them because there were more to add!
(Thank you Chris for this sweet award. Sorry I didn’t obey the rules. I am really bad about that kind of thing.) :o)
Congrats Beth, so happy for you. The award is sweet. I don’t know how some of the blogger’s keep up with blogging and commenting sometimes it stresses me out because I want to check with everyone and just can’t unless I want to carry this lap top around my waist.
You totally deserve this!! I don’t there is a post that goes by on my blog that you don’t comment! Congrats girl, a job well done!
Congrats to you for this award andsome minutes ago i als notice you in the 10 awsomest bogs!!
You are blog is mentioned at…
Congrats on your most deserving award, Beth! Thanks a million for passing it on to all of us! You’re the best!
No, I have never seen this award either..How precious…I’m like you Beth,,I don’t follow the ‘rules’ quite well with the awards..It’s just too difficult to choose when God has surrounded us with so many Proverbs 27:17 women,,iron sharpening iron..this is what we are to one another, and I thank God for the sharpening I have received since finding you and all the other precious ones in blogland…((hugs))
Beth, I never heard of this award before. But if anyone deserves it, it’s you. You are always so faithful to leave comments on Heart Choices. And you are so kind and thoughtful in what you say. Way to go and a big hug from me to you.
Congratulations! I appreciate all of your sweet comments on my blog!
Unto GOD’S GLORY! Congratulations dear one.
You are too sweet. You totally deserve that award. I love how you comment on my comments too.
Hey… just an FYI…due to duplicate winners, you ended up being featured on the Awesomest Blog Awards page!!!
Stop by my blog to get the link and nab the button for being featured on!
(Its the “Grand” post)
Congrats on your award!! It is truly much deserved!!
Congrats! on your award. You are always so faithful in leaving encouraging comments.
Congrats on the award!
Congrats sweetie, love you.
You are worthy of this blog award. You are so faithful to communicate with other bloggers and that not only makes your blog a great place to hang out, but you offer your friendship with constancy. If I ever get the “everybody’s best friend” award, I’m passing it on to you!
Love you, Beth!
Congrats on the award, very happy for you!