Hi Everyone! I have a sweet friend I would like for you to meet!
Since she doesn’t share her name on her blog, I’ll just share her blog name: Simple Midwest Mom.
This is what she has to say about herself: My blog title says it all…I’m a simple gal. My goal is to find contentment and joy in the everyday gifts the Lord provides. I enjoy sharing my faith and helping other women learn how to connect their faith with real life and to be an encouragement to those around them. Oh did I mention I actually LIKE living in the Midwest? I prefer the simple small town life and rows of cornfields but appreciate occasional trips to the “Big City”. I hope you come here to be uplifted and get a few laughs from my funky mishaps as I make my way through life as a wife and mommy!
I’m sure she would love to meet some bloggy friends. Please hop over to check her out.
Here is a tidbit from her last post to wet your appetite.
Simplify: Be Content in Circumstances
What is Contentment?Here’s the definition according to Webster’sContentment-1) Mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are2) Assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc.I have to be honest here, I almost titled this post as Simple Mom Confessions. The reason I am blogging on contentment is because I really needed to practice it yesterday and I wasn’t…at all!! As I continue to pray for God’s guidance and purpose for this blog, as I am praying for guidance in all areas of my life right now, these thoughts, concepts, and words kept coming to mind.Live Contently, Simply, & FullyAfter the rough day I had yesterday (they were mostly self inflicted rough spots) I really wanted to seek God first this morning. Contentment is what He put on my heart and truly what I believe He wants me to share with you today.
Are you hooked? Head on over to her place to read the rest of her post. Click HERE.
Thanks Beth for featuring me!
I love making new bloggy friends…I'm on my way!